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Thursday, April 19, 2018



I am not living
the life I imagined.
This one is far better.
I’m on a path which
I never anticipated.
It’s pretty cool.

I try my utmost to  
show my spiritual self
as harmlessly as I can,
yet I feel the need sometimes
to do more than my best.
One of those times is now.
Still, I'm happiest, 
when I bring 
everything I have.

We are all
just passing through.
Might as well do so
with joy and laughter,
rejoicing in the day,
walking more slowly,
maybe even feeling
a little groovy.

I am doing my best
to say beautiful things,
to inspire, to help, be kind.
When I do not hear
Spirit's voice, it's not because
the talking has stopped,
and at those times,
I am not afraid
to ask for assistance.

The strongest people
I know ask for help
when they are in need of it.
I know that who I was
and who I am becoming,
is where the work lies.

What I shall learn
after I know it all
will make all the difference.
No matter how uneasy
some days are,
I recall that I chose them.
I accept that every experience
is one which I must need.

Every day
I have the chance
to be happy,
to enjoy this life I chose.
No one but me is
in charge of my happiness,
and I am laughing out loud.

I don’t know
how much life is left to me
but I hope to
make a difference with it,
and if all I ever did
for the rest of this life was
say “thank you”,
that might be enough.

Each time I act
with kindness the universe 
changes for the better, and
when I wish to find
reasons for gratitude,
it’s not too difficult.
I need God’s Love.
God needs my hands and feet.
Seems like a good deal to me.
Such a huge difference:
discussing Spirit and experiencing It.

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