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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Living on Planet Awesome

Living mindfully
in political bedlam.
Peace is a challenge.

Soft blue, like the sky
in the first kiss of sunrise.
Peace, carried by doves. 

Turning towards others.
Living with an open heart.
Easing into peace.

At all times, choose life.
Choose friends and love and sharing.
Most of all, choose peace.

abound for friendship and joy.
There is bliss in peace.

Turning toward others,
living with an open heart.
Peace begins with love.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Here I Am

You Are Here

Here I am, 
in California,
at 73.
Mister Rogers died
in Pennsylvania,
just 74.
Natural causes they said.
(complicated by cancer)
Not sure where I’ll be 
at 74.
Not sure if I’ll be.
(complicated by who knows)
Man plans, God laughs,
No matter who you are.
No matter where you are.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Cure

One step is all one need take
One poem for one in prayer
One card to one sick child
One book to one tiny town
One brick for one new dike
One well for one ill village
One shot for one new life
One can to one food bank
One Kiva for one hopeful world
One call to one official
One smile for one store clerk
One letter to one distant friend
One dollar to one small shelter
One step is all one need take
One peace at a time
One love

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The week has just begun

Yesterday had it’s chance.
Enjoy today alone.
Tomorrow can wait.


I’ve become an old man.
Some blood was involved,
yet there’s time to heal.


I don’t worry about
Spirit intending good for me.
It’s all good.


Just sitting
in my room,
in my thoughts.
Suddenly, I

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Women March Again, Thank God

I can choose anger,
fear, hate.
I can choose love.
It’s not complicated.


My scars inform me 
I’m stronger than what tried to 
break me. No stigma.


I was not appointed to
judge smart phone usage.
Do what pleases you.


I write my seventeen’s,
unless I have no time.
Then I write long poems.


I pause throughout the
day, become still, look within.
How funny I am.


I won’t surrender 
my peace, not even to those
I can not control.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Ides

I need God’s Love.
God needs my hands and feet.
Seems like a good deal to me.


The TV news
is just the planet’s cry
for meditation,
for prayer.


Some pain is so complete
that all else vanishes
in its wake.
Be still.


My neighbor helped me 
mend our rain gutters.
Since the sun shone,
it was time.


I value my mind,
but I am following 
my heart 
in the new year.


If it’s no,
just say no.
You don’t have to be
excessive about it.


Remember death, 
as even for 
the rich and powerful, 
life is brief.


Poems are where my life
goes to be remembered. 
Some seem like songs.
How sweet.


When I want more,
I give thanks for what I have.
It’s a fair price to pay.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

What Else?

Even when the clouds weep,
or the earth cries out in pain,
it is possible
to love throughout the day,
to find joy midst the suffering.
Walking through our world,
it is possible
for every living soul
to express innate wisdom,
being and acting as harmless
as they know how to be.
It is possible
to shed anger and hate,
to smother them with
charity, sympathy, tenderness,
benevolence, compassion.
It is possible
to practice radical humility.
It is possible
to notice that what is convenient for us
is inconvenient for others.
It is possible
to slow down,
walk more slowly on the earth,
be healing and strong,
rejoice in the day.
It is possible.
What else are days for?

Friday, January 5, 2018

A New Year

December 31
is so arbitrary,
yet nostalgia rules.


I’m leaving behind
what does not serve me,
doesn’t fit 2018.


A new year.
One more syllable.
What can we do?
Oh, yes, I know.
Write on.


That’s too much bacon,
says nobody.
The same goes for
happiness and joy.


Ease is coming.
Don’t fight it.
Life is soon to be
in flow. 
Rise with it.


I’m grateful  
for every door that opened,
for every one that was closed.


Others’ tyranny and oppression 
are no match for 
my compassion.


I’m having a great day
or a greater day. 
The prospects are endless.