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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Raina & Art, 2022-23

 Raina & Art, Xronia Polla

Can it have been eleven years

for our two special dears,

that pair in our heart,

Raina and Art.

Each fabulous New Year,

an eve filled with cheer,

when no one’s forgetting

that Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Each other’s moon, each other’s sun,

with twins who can share their years in this run.

Ahead lies more pleasure,

a hundred years’ treasure,

more love, joy and peace to embrace,

wishing them health, bliss and grace.

December 2022 17’s



It shouldn’t take all

that much to just be happy.

Really, it doesn’t.

A beautiful dawn

breaks for me, allows me to

breathe and cherish life.

When I reveal my

doubts and fears, a scab can form,

and healing begins.

Feeling overwhelmed?

Perhaps you’re trying too hard.

Maybe take a break.

Went to sleep in Grace,

waking up in gratitude,

a grand day awaits.

Arranging this month

with peace of mind being my

greatest goal and gift.

I woke up today,

remembered how nice it is

to just share myself.

Just doing my best

to show up, being present, 

opening my heart.

All my books matter

as increasers of my life.

Reality plus.

Gratitude can lead

us to interdependence.

Share and share alike.

I’m feeding my faith,

starving my fears and worries,

enjoying my life.

If you can have it,

why bother to just dream it.

Just do be, do be, do be.

During some mornings,

it really seems that my mind 

has a mind of its own.

Take some time, be still,

perhaps a nap, then awake

to life’s mysteries.

A good way to miss

having a great life is to 

wait for perfection. 

There’s no space nor time

which true peace cannot transform.

Peace begins with me.

Be the love you feel

and wish it for everyone,

and the joy as well.

I keep my heart straight

so I don’t have to worry

what comes from my mouth.

During this season,

before the light returns,

what might I contribute?

Nostalgic moments

live in my heart forever.

Which ones gladden you?

Every day I am

invited to live and give.

I think I like this.

Sometimes it is best

to just be. Be happiness,

be joy, be grateful.

I find it calming 

to give things away, own less,

to not buy more stuff.

A simplified life

can be joy-filled, beautiful.

Try one on for size.

Turn your attention 

to what other people need.

Your joy will follow.


and kindness will lead you to

happiness. Love you.

Simpler times can be

the ones which make me happy,

bring me the most joy.

I will trust myself 

to know what to let go of,

what doesn’t serve me.

Now is the moment,

the only one there ever

was, or could ere be.

My mind is open,

and my heart is receptive,

my spirit giving.

Planning to enter

the forthcoming new year cleansed,

free of old burdens.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

2022 Anniversary

 Golden Anniversary 50 

was going to be so nifty,

to Hawaii we would go,

but COVID just said no.

So we planned for 51,

that would be our fun,

but COVID said no again,

so we had to change our plan.

So now it’s 52.

Try once more? (Would you?)

Our old cat said don’t you go,

stay close to me at home, and so,

it looks like an early dinner,

one we’re sure will be a winner.

We’ll make it quite expensive,

with calories extra extensive,

home in bed by nine.

(And you know what?)

As long as we’re together,

long-loving birds of a feather,

that will be just fine.

Christmas Loving

Too Much is Still Not Enough

If I can only do

one tiny, loving thing,

even if no one

hears my heart sing,

moving at the soft speed 

of kindness,

just between me and you,

in our single mindedness,

I’ll still be moved to do it.

I have made many mistakes 

but none of them involved 

applying the brakes,

thinking I was loving too much,

being too mushy and such.

The longer I live, the more I see

everything, everywhere, every time, 

is truly Divinity.

Everything I receive,

everything I achieve,

every thing I have,

every thing I am,

everything I do,

especially letting love ring true.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

2022 Christmas card insert

 Nearing the end of 2022,

and we are thinking of you.

Wondering about 2023,

thinking, who might we see.

We wish you great peace,

may it never cease,

and, if you want it, great wealth,

with even greater health.

Hoping calm is yours to enjoy,

bringing serenity and joy,

and with them, the ways

to comfortable days.

Simply know there is love

from our hearts, from above.

Even when we are not in touch,

you are cared for so much.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Knee celebration


‘‘Twas merely two years ago, 

COVID intruding on

our 50th anniversary,

oh no, what can we do,

how can this be?

What to do instead?

But then she and our HMO said,

it’s time and there’s room,

(no, not on Zoom).

The surgeon is ready,

and her hands are steady,

so come in for a day,

and go home that night,

yes, you really may,

it’ll be quite all right.

She went in the next morning,

her excitement aborning,

by five we left there,

home to a friend’s wheelchair.

Home therapy at first,

and for drugs, well,

not much of a thirst.

Later, in for p.t.,

where she performed impressively.

Throughout all 2021,

she was the one,

doing what was needed,

rehab directions she heeded,

and now in 2022,

we have much walking to do.

It’s now been two years,

and we should shout out great cheers,

It’s clear she, 

and her knee, 

are the best, between me and you,

as we plan anniversary 52.

I must stop now,

before it’s too late,

only one second anniversar-knee, wow,

mustn’t go past this date.

So as I close I’ll just say,

nicely done knee and BP, hip hip hurray!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


 Time for Love

The calendar is never wrong.

It’s time for another anniversary song.

We’re mostly healthy, far as I can see,

as young as we will ever be.

Perhaps we’ll let our inner child

go crazy, running wild.

We’ll share a perfect day,

just a twosome is our way.

You’re still in your prime,

and there’s no better time

for love and joy and peace,

may they never cease.

So let’s share a super smile,

one which lasts a wholesome while,

welcome in the next new year,

express our gratitude in cheer.

Whatever time thinks it can do,

I know it will look fabulous on you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


The month seems 

to have been winging,

the poets all a-poeming,

and the singers all a-singing.

A month of happy returns

and of mostly joyful writing,

of true abundance, thanks giving,

and even a little snow sighting.

Winter’s not here yet,

the solstice will seal that deal,

but we know it’s just a calendar,

and we know how we feel.

Aching legs and shoulders,

and that’s our breath we see,

but no complaints allowed,

not before morning coffee.

We’ll tiptoe through the coming weeks,

and the new year soon will come,

to my sweetie, our old cat and me,

making it our peaceful own.

November 2022 17’s


Cleaning my own house,

dusting the shelves of my mind.

Simplicity rules.

Giving from my Good

brings me the most happiness,

the greatest pleasure.

When friends give me things,

I see joy in their faces. 

I welcome each gift. 

I joyously give.

I happily receive too.

Circulation rules!

Happiness is not

a secret. It’s a given. 

Be joyful, grateful.

What good is living

if in the rest of my days

I don’t live for good.

For satisfaction,

I need to pay more heed to

those last six letters.

In the face of rage,

I try to bring forth a smile,

ease off anger.

Three hundred and twelve

times seventeen equals lots

of hope and promise.

I trust a way will

be made when there is no way.

Spirit will prevail.

When one was scheduled

to transition long ago,

now is amazing.

Today I recall

those whose lives touched mine. They are

the faces of God.

I’ve many teachers,

most of them were unlikely,

still open for more.

Is it possible 

that we did chose our parents?

Perhaps that is so.

The sanctuary 

is closed so what can I do?

Comfort a neighbor.

I am happier,

peaceful, transformed. Not trying

to convince, just share.

Being happy takes 

some skill. It is really not 

just pie in the sky. 

I live with intent.

This life is no accident.

My life begets life. 

Thinking about how

richly blessed I am, happy

to be where I’m at.

I think this is true:

we all make a difference.

Which one’s up to us.

To my snow belt friends:

Be kind to one another,

treat yourself with care.

Some folks might tell you,

do something scary each day.

I say, no, thank you.

Never too much paint.

Just need a bigger canvas.

Grateful expansion.

Loving gratitude 

for all of the little things 

which happen each day.

I have no thoughts more

powerful than gratitude

and true wonderment.

Whosoever would

be named a poet must be

a reader as well.

If you’re going to

be stuck somewhere, might as well

be in happy dreams.

Opt for beautiful.

Spirit loves beautiful things.

I vote beautiful.

I don’t try much to

do big things. Many little

acts of good will do. 

Simplicity rocks.

High tech is a bag of rocks.

An easy life rocks.

I smile when I look

In a mirror. Or I laugh.

I’m funny that way

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Truth or dare

Make me smile and laugh

until it hurts. Go ahead.

Try hard. I dare you.

No doubt, life is suffering..

How does one respond?

Truth or dare?

No doubt, life is a challenge.

How does one react?

Play or hide? 

Opening your heart

to the truth helps clarify.

Your mind will follow.

There’s but one question,

summer, winter, spring and fall.

Will one work for peace?

Monday, November 28, 2022


 Tangerine Dreams

Brown season is past.

No smoke on the horizon.

Time to mend the roof.

Summer’s colors fade,

Fall bloomings now in season.

Time for new seedlings.

Red flowers opened,

pomegranates in waiting.

Time to make sun tea.

Orange Navels eaten,

Valencias unfavored.

Time for new apples.

White snow on some hills.

Summer will thirst for its melt.

Time to clean windows.

Pink Christmas cactus,

bougainvillea scream crimson.

Time for new thinking.

Epi’s bloom briefly,

same as with cactus flowers.

Time to call my friends.