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Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 2022 17’s



It shouldn’t take all

that much to just be happy.

Really, it doesn’t.

A beautiful dawn

breaks for me, allows me to

breathe and cherish life.

When I reveal my

doubts and fears, a scab can form,

and healing begins.

Feeling overwhelmed?

Perhaps you’re trying too hard.

Maybe take a break.

Went to sleep in Grace,

waking up in gratitude,

a grand day awaits.

Arranging this month

with peace of mind being my

greatest goal and gift.

I woke up today,

remembered how nice it is

to just share myself.

Just doing my best

to show up, being present, 

opening my heart.

All my books matter

as increasers of my life.

Reality plus.

Gratitude can lead

us to interdependence.

Share and share alike.

I’m feeding my faith,

starving my fears and worries,

enjoying my life.

If you can have it,

why bother to just dream it.

Just do be, do be, do be.

During some mornings,

it really seems that my mind 

has a mind of its own.

Take some time, be still,

perhaps a nap, then awake

to life’s mysteries.

A good way to miss

having a great life is to 

wait for perfection. 

There’s no space nor time

which true peace cannot transform.

Peace begins with me.

Be the love you feel

and wish it for everyone,

and the joy as well.

I keep my heart straight

so I don’t have to worry

what comes from my mouth.

During this season,

before the light returns,

what might I contribute?

Nostalgic moments

live in my heart forever.

Which ones gladden you?

Every day I am

invited to live and give.

I think I like this.

Sometimes it is best

to just be. Be happiness,

be joy, be grateful.

I find it calming 

to give things away, own less,

to not buy more stuff.

A simplified life

can be joy-filled, beautiful.

Try one on for size.

Turn your attention 

to what other people need.

Your joy will follow.


and kindness will lead you to

happiness. Love you.

Simpler times can be

the ones which make me happy,

bring me the most joy.

I will trust myself 

to know what to let go of,

what doesn’t serve me.

Now is the moment,

the only one there ever

was, or could ere be.

My mind is open,

and my heart is receptive,

my spirit giving.

Planning to enter

the forthcoming new year cleansed,

free of old burdens.

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