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Friday, March 27, 2020


We can save the world,
one person at a time,
one flower, one tree, one hummingbird,
each precious to its kind.
We can save the world,
transforming it with love,
with right action, too, 
not white magic from above.
We can save the world,
but it’ll take a miracle, they say.
Well, then, we’d best get started,
can’t think of a better day.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Today’s Joy

It’s not a time for clever analysis,
of what went wrong this time.
Gloomy mornings of winter 
are mostly gone now,
even as summer still sleeps,
not quite ready for her big entrance.
This is spring, and she’s still young,
so, satisfied, we might capture 
bits of today’s breezy brilliance,
enlivened by the simple pleasure of it all,
grateful for this good day.

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Should I feel

Should I feel 
stuck at home, afraid, or
connected to my love, blessed with this opportunity?
Should I feel 
lonely, sorry for my plight, or
connected to this shared experience with the world?
Should I feel
forsaken, distant from my neighbors, or
connected to this time to heal our Mother, our planet?
Should I feel 
alone, lost in my fear, my aging body, or
connected to eternity, knowing I am a divine soul.
Should I feel
anything but the spiritual truth of things, or
connected to the certainty that I am one with God?