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Thursday, April 26, 2018


Heaven on Earth

In the continuum from infinite to finite,
to present form from past light,
from energy to matter, to human from Divine,
there must be a place along that line,
where each begins or ends,
with clues the route portends.
Though we sometimes blindly drift,
there’s a nexus where we shift.
I think this true, but it’s unshown,
this heaven we have sewn,
this place we ourselves create,
this thing which some call fate,
where we all co-create
our unique and special place,
between ourselves and God’s grand Grace.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

A Unique or Seldom Used Word

There is no one else,
not another soul,
who could have married me
and made me theirs,
lived with me
and remained with me,
loved me so at the start,
and even more later,
so patiently, she
waited me out,
a long, long time after
it all began.
My love keeps her
when my madness would not.
She is accustomed to me.
She did not need to
stay with me,
yet she did.
We are one.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018



Waking early,
staring into the darkness,
I find myself,
thinking about a circle,
one without a center,
one without a circumference,
one with me.

Friday, April 20, 2018

A Tee-shirt Kinda Guy

I live in a city 
of no significant style,
been living here now
for quite a long while.
We have really nice weather,
loads and loads of beaches,
no great sports team but
we have dogs off of leashes.
The restaurant scene
mostly requires no dressing.
Fits me well, since it’s basic for me,
to that I’m confessing.
The art scene is small, but
the theater choices gigantic,
with four universities,
it can get quite pedantic.
The bookstores don’t wait
for Comic-Con to arrive,
with five-star speakers,
they all seem to thrive.
There are likely some cities
which think that they’re better,
but I’ll stay where I am,
living large, in fine fetter.
Let others take off,
to Paris or Venice they can fly.
I’m staying where I can be
a tee-shirt kinda guy.

Thursday, April 19, 2018



I am not living
the life I imagined.
This one is far better.
I’m on a path which
I never anticipated.
It’s pretty cool.

I try my utmost to  
show my spiritual self
as harmlessly as I can,
yet I feel the need sometimes
to do more than my best.
One of those times is now.
Still, I'm happiest, 
when I bring 
everything I have.

We are all
just passing through.
Might as well do so
with joy and laughter,
rejoicing in the day,
walking more slowly,
maybe even feeling
a little groovy.

I am doing my best
to say beautiful things,
to inspire, to help, be kind.
When I do not hear
Spirit's voice, it's not because
the talking has stopped,
and at those times,
I am not afraid
to ask for assistance.

The strongest people
I know ask for help
when they are in need of it.
I know that who I was
and who I am becoming,
is where the work lies.

What I shall learn
after I know it all
will make all the difference.
No matter how uneasy
some days are,
I recall that I chose them.
I accept that every experience
is one which I must need.

Every day
I have the chance
to be happy,
to enjoy this life I chose.
No one but me is
in charge of my happiness,
and I am laughing out loud.

I don’t know
how much life is left to me
but I hope to
make a difference with it,
and if all I ever did
for the rest of this life was
say “thank you”,
that might be enough.

Each time I act
with kindness the universe 
changes for the better, and
when I wish to find
reasons for gratitude,
it’s not too difficult.
I need God’s Love.
God needs my hands and feet.
Seems like a good deal to me.
Such a huge difference:
discussing Spirit and experiencing It.

(blank) Thread

Nice Threads, Mate

is something no one
has ever said to me,
and they probably 
never will, you see,
I’m a tee-shirt kinda guy,
put on the pants
I took off last night,
can’t be bothered about
how I look, really can’t,
try as hard as I might.
I don’t focus on my looks,
just make sure to,
brush my teeth, 
wash my hair.
Is that so wrong for
an old guy like me?
I mean, what’s it matter,
why should I care?
A simple approach is
the one I chose, and
my joy has nothing 
to do with my clothes.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


No Poem is an Accident

He knew it was best to
follow his gut when it
came to his scribblings,
to let his stomach tell him
the truth, when his desire for
approval tried to
lead him astray.
He knew that every poem
was born from a need,
each one a mystery,
yet all of them on a mission,
a fight, or flight,
to reveal his life.
He knew it best to
follow his gut, but
those damn buttons,
send and post and share,
so easy to push, so easy to
lead him into temptation,
when he knew it best to
follow his gut, to
attend to his heart.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


True Love

Looking around us,
Can we think that 
we or the universe 
are mere accidents?
Of course not.
Deeper than in our mind,
more openly than with our heart,
if we are seeking,
this is where we spy the source,
yet only slightly comprehend It.
If we sit perfectly still,
have our mind be calm, peaceful,
we might catch a glimpse of
Spirit’s loving goodness.
Then we’ll know true love.


I don’t make 
New Year’s resolutions anymore,
None I’d keep,
nor even remember,
come February.
Instead, I pick a word.
Just one word.
My word this year
is Compassion.
It’s the one I chose to
remind me of
who and how and what
I wish to be,
every day, all day.
Last year, it was Generosity,
a good and maybe grand one,
noble in its intent,
heartfelt and true.
It worked pretty well.
Opportunities to give
arose in bunches:
my money, my time, my love.
But the big one,
my favorite,
was two years ago,
my first attempt at this.

Gratitude it was,
and it is the best
of all the other qualities,
based on one’s experience
of having enough.
The Universe loves Gratitude,
is Itself an abundant giver,
and likes to be appreciated.
Hope might have been
a decent choice, but
there’s doubtful expectation there.
Peace is a good one too,
filled with faith,
but Gratitude has it all,
overflowing with quiet delight.
In the quantum soup
of the visible and unseen,
it is the satisfying wholeness.
It is how I can be thankful
for this life, this body, this space,
how I can be like a child
on a beach,
seeing the vast unknown

Sunday, April 15, 2018


Cool Cat

He likes walking meditation, seldom goes on a vacation, enjoys his trashy books, soups and casseroles he cooks, in public he is charming, writes in ways that are heart warming, can’t sing at all, not a lick, can’t dance either, it’s just sick, he has known a deeper sorrow, still sees a bright tomorrow, likes to walk without a care, simply strolling, being there, other poets he is wooing, not always knowing what he’s doing, he isn’t rich but doesn’t mind, knowing he can still be kind, has his ways to find his worth, still has hope for Mother Earth, keeps the future sharp in sight, knows the past ended last night, holds no truck with pain and woes, much to do before he goes, strives with all his might, not for correct things, but the right, getting older now, there’s that, but he’s still one cool cat.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Reports of Success

Today, I am worried.
I am worried that Pyrrhic victory
will inspire more preemptive strikes,
when what are needed are
preemptive education and
preemptive medicine and
preemptive food.

Today, I am aware,
once more, yet once more,
that wars are fought
by our children,
and by theirs.

Today, I am sad for
the well-meaning anti-war souls
whose legitimacy will be 
toppled like a statue.

Today, I am sad
for the young warrior
who will be the last to die 
in Syria or Iran or Crimea.
What will be his name?
What will be her legacy?

Today, I know
that thousands will die,
more will be crippled,
and then, yes then,
there will be
another war.

Today, I am reminded
again, yet again,
how no one
hates war more
than the warrior

Today, I feel alone,
trying to not think of it.

So I will pray.

Friday, April 13, 2018


Don’t Bug Me, She Says

Over time,
I have become
like an elder, 
forager bee,
in that I leave 
home daily to
look for the goods,
but I always return.
Like those bees,
we elders die in 
larger numbers,
but we don’t have
to slow down much.
Ninety-nine percent
of forager bees
die away from the hive.
This isn’t just bad luck,
more of a trait, 
an instinct,
Natural Law,
the way things are.
Maybe they know
the end is near, 
so they seek 
one final adventure.
It’s not suggested here
that I run into the forest,
look for a patch of moss,
lie down, close my eyes,
smelling the pine cones.
Nope, not ready for that,
but the adventure seeking part,
maybe yes.
Better that than
sitting at home,
bugging my honey with
tales of what if.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

No Time for Laments

No Regrets

There can be no thoughts
of turning back.
The bridges have been
blown asunder,
the boats all sunk,
there is only 
forward for us now.
It is not that 
we are brave,
simply that 
there is no choice,
courage not at issue,
as the fire 
rages at our backs.
Blood might
be involved, yet
we can cure 
the ills of the world.
We can. 
We must.
We will.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Warning: You Have Work to Do

I want to be real
and how I am
requires someone
in my life
to tell me
what’s what.
I try to speak of truth.
I write of
heart and mind.
How it really is
requires someone
to speak to me of
blood and bone.
A writer’s job is to speak.
A friend’s job is to answer.


Be Forewarned

My heart knows the way.
I plan to follow it.
What else can I but do?
Oh, it's been broken 
into pieces more than once,
by sadness, anger, regrets,
but it always finds 
a means of healing,
a map to sharing,
a path to kindness,
a route to compassion.
My heart wants to love.
I plan to follow it.

Two for Tuesday


Stockbrokers don’t drive no stock
Chairmen don’t build no chairs
TV hosts don’t serve no snacks
News anchors don’t sail no ships
Weathermen don’t build no vanes
Athletes don’t play with kids
Movie stars don’t shine real light

The Real Deal

Teachers really teach
Nurses really nurse
Waiters really wait
Poets really write
Letter carriers really deliver
Pedicabbers really pull their weight
Messengers really get the word out
And Moms, well moms really save the future

Sunday, April 8, 2018



If my mother had lived,
she’d be 98 today,
and who could know how
she’d see the world..
If my mother had lived,
would she be in awe,
or, like the most of us,
take what we have for granted?
If my mother had lived,
she’d have seen so many 
wondrous things, like
trips to the moon and
a vaccine for polio, like
electric cars and
a black man as president, like
Dick Tracy fantasies become
Steve Jobs realities, like
Valium and artificial hearts,
both of which might have
helped her live.
But my mother did not live,
and she missed so many
other things, like
her son in Marine dress blues, and
her son beneath a college mortar board , and
her son so beautifully married, and
her son at peace in a lovely life.
Of course, she also missed 
too many needless wars, and
too many hungry souls, and
too much thoughtless avarice, and
too much not being done about it all.
I am sorry that she missed it all,
even the bad, even the worst. 
I am sorry, Dr, Seuss, but
I can’t smile because it happened.
It did not happen long enough.



The moment of his death had come,
with certainty, and of course, finality,
there in the middle of the night,
no idea of the time,
simply an assurance that it was now,
after what seemed like a month of
watching and waiting,
my step-sisters,
his widow-to-be,
and me.
Together in that apartment,
but each of us
alone with him as well,
receiving guests, family, friends,
first when he was awake,
then during the stove-pipe coma,
finally ushering in
the ministry of Hospice.
All conversations had been
one-way for a while,
all of us wanting to say the things
we missed saying in brighter times.
It was mid-sentence in one such talk
That I knew, then flew about the home,
gathering us all around that bed,
everyone questioning the need,
the urgency, not fathoming
the emergency, when, from
the depths of the disease
that was taking him, he
woke, and smiled
as he never had before,
looked around the bed,
nodding at each of us in turn,
my sisters and me, then,
finding his wife,
found the capacity to speak
of his love once more,
and just then,
the moment came.