If you like art forms, or care about living things, this is the blog for you. Poetry, essays, watercolor, acrylics, films, novels, music...pick your pleasure. I'll post my own work, and anyone else's which catch my eye. I'll recommend books and films, some obscure, others not. So, as Walt, my fellow Living Poet on the poetic asides section of writersdigest.com, says, "come little goldfish in my pond, interact, don't be koi."
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Thursday, April 21, 2011
Despite the Tears
Non, je ne regrette rien, so sang the little sparrow, second thoughts one thing, non, je ne regrette rien still another, even when she lost her child, her love, her sight, non, je ne regrette rien, so sang the little sparrow.
I love the delicacy and sadness of this. - Great!