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Wednesday, November 30, 2022


The month seems 

to have been winging,

the poets all a-poeming,

and the singers all a-singing.

A month of happy returns

and of mostly joyful writing,

of true abundance, thanks giving,

and even a little snow sighting.

Winter’s not here yet,

the solstice will seal that deal,

but we know it’s just a calendar,

and we know how we feel.

Aching legs and shoulders,

and that’s our breath we see,

but no complaints allowed,

not before morning coffee.

We’ll tiptoe through the coming weeks,

and the new year soon will come,

to my sweetie, our old cat and me,

making it our peaceful own.

November 2022 17’s


Cleaning my own house,

dusting the shelves of my mind.

Simplicity rules.

Giving from my Good

brings me the most happiness,

the greatest pleasure.

When friends give me things,

I see joy in their faces. 

I welcome each gift. 

I joyously give.

I happily receive too.

Circulation rules!

Happiness is not

a secret. It’s a given. 

Be joyful, grateful.

What good is living

if in the rest of my days

I don’t live for good.

For satisfaction,

I need to pay more heed to

those last six letters.

In the face of rage,

I try to bring forth a smile,

ease off anger.

Three hundred and twelve

times seventeen equals lots

of hope and promise.

I trust a way will

be made when there is no way.

Spirit will prevail.

When one was scheduled

to transition long ago,

now is amazing.

Today I recall

those whose lives touched mine. They are

the faces of God.

I’ve many teachers,

most of them were unlikely,

still open for more.

Is it possible 

that we did chose our parents?

Perhaps that is so.

The sanctuary 

is closed so what can I do?

Comfort a neighbor.

I am happier,

peaceful, transformed. Not trying

to convince, just share.

Being happy takes 

some skill. It is really not 

just pie in the sky. 

I live with intent.

This life is no accident.

My life begets life. 

Thinking about how

richly blessed I am, happy

to be where I’m at.

I think this is true:

we all make a difference.

Which one’s up to us.

To my snow belt friends:

Be kind to one another,

treat yourself with care.

Some folks might tell you,

do something scary each day.

I say, no, thank you.

Never too much paint.

Just need a bigger canvas.

Grateful expansion.

Loving gratitude 

for all of the little things 

which happen each day.

I have no thoughts more

powerful than gratitude

and true wonderment.

Whosoever would

be named a poet must be

a reader as well.

If you’re going to

be stuck somewhere, might as well

be in happy dreams.

Opt for beautiful.

Spirit loves beautiful things.

I vote beautiful.

I don’t try much to

do big things. Many little

acts of good will do. 

Simplicity rocks.

High tech is a bag of rocks.

An easy life rocks.

I smile when I look

In a mirror. Or I laugh.

I’m funny that way

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Truth or dare

Make me smile and laugh

until it hurts. Go ahead.

Try hard. I dare you.

No doubt, life is suffering..

How does one respond?

Truth or dare?

No doubt, life is a challenge.

How does one react?

Play or hide? 

Opening your heart

to the truth helps clarify.

Your mind will follow.

There’s but one question,

summer, winter, spring and fall.

Will one work for peace?

Monday, November 28, 2022


 Tangerine Dreams

Brown season is past.

No smoke on the horizon.

Time to mend the roof.

Summer’s colors fade,

Fall bloomings now in season.

Time for new seedlings.

Red flowers opened,

pomegranates in waiting.

Time to make sun tea.

Orange Navels eaten,

Valencias unfavored.

Time for new apples.

White snow on some hills.

Summer will thirst for its melt.

Time to clean windows.

Pink Christmas cactus,

bougainvillea scream crimson.

Time for new thinking.

Epi’s bloom briefly,

same as with cactus flowers.

Time to call my friends.


 Remembrance Remix

Not all poems are loved,

many are not noticed at all.

The same goes for people,

and even those noticed

are sometimes not remembered,

not as we would prefer.

Some poems are 

not allowed to grow old, 

tossed in a box,

burned in a fire,

left on a desk.

Not all people grow old,

some get the box,

others the fire,

or both. 

In truth, poems and people,

all merit and need attention.

lest they become shadows 

of what or who they were.




Forgotten, except in our memories,

in the stories we tell of them,

in the words and nuances we recall.

So, add a comma, or take one out,

but always, always add a remembrance.

Then they’ll live forever.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


 Family of the Pen

Some writers find their words,

buried in the compost of bitterness, 

in a field of anger and resentment,

sown by sorrow, raked with regret,

fertilized by vengeance for abandoned love, 

ironically giving birth to amazing poems.

Other writers find beauty in life,

in their children, of course,

in family, friends, and lovers,

also in the stream of daily living,

in the exotic rose and the common fern, 

all giving birth to amazing poems

Most writers have a sadness muse,

prompting great works of love and loss,

replete in their integrity, they open their veins,

water their notions with blood,

show us their souls,

painfully giving birth to amazing poems.

All writers know, regardless the source,

no matter the topic, the truth will come out,

honesty triumphs, love trumps cuteness,

pain and joy the same wellspring,

every time, each wonder-filled heart

generously giving birth to amazing poems.

Friday, November 18, 2022


 Funny Man

I pause throughout the

day, become still, look within.

How funny I am.

I have let myself heal,

do my best to just chill,

sometimes I fail,

but I continue on and still,

as long as I sit tight,

be calm in my space,

everything’s alright,

knowing it’s love I embrace.

Simplicity plus proportion,

it’s balance for me,

loving thought over riches,

and as best I can see,

my wisest choice no doubt,

is to only hang out

with people who love me.

Not squeezing each drop 

out of my life,

merely caressing it,

stepping clear of most strife.

I look in a mirror and smile,

and in a short while,

sometimes laugh out loud.

I’m funny that way.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Cat Training

 Lessons Learned from Cats

Stress can not survive 

playtime with a cat.

Each encounter its own 

time of renewal and brighter days,

so much joy and gratitude in that.

Sometimes I only observe,

watching them take a break from hunting,

telling me they own the backyard,

basking a bit in the morning sun,

urging me to smile, and that’s not hard.

Cats are grateful for an audience,

especially when at silly play

with their alternative mice,

appreciative of genuine warm-heartedness,

a human who is more than food-giving nice.

They constantly remind me to become

someone worthy of their friendship,

letting go of ego, power, pretense,

inspiring me to live a life of

incisive simplicity and common sense,

and when I meet a new cat anywhere,

no matter where I might go,

offering a hand to nuzzle,

remembering to say hello.

Another Valentine

 Valentine Story

At 10 and 42,

we’ve only just begun.

Not really birds of a feather,

but, always, always together.

There’s good in what we do,

in our 10 and 42.

There’s great in what we’ll be,

just you wait and see.

The best is yet to come,

with her, on Planet Awesome.

There’ll be no need to worry,

not in our love story.

With her as queen, I’m king.

Next stop…everything!


 Why Not 

Let’s not and say we did. 

Write that email but not hit send,

forgo the mail, visit a friend. 

Let’s not and say we did. 

Stop resisting, choose to bend, 

say you’re sorry, make amends. 

Let’s not and say we did,

forgiveness the mark of thoughtful men

Sunday, November 13, 2022


 Lessons Learned from Cats

Stress can not survive 

playtime with a cat.

Each encounter its own 

time of renewal and brighter days,

so much joy and gratitude in that.

Sometimes I only observe,

watching them take a break from hunting,

telling me they own the backyard,

basking a bit in the morning sun,

urging me to smile, and that’s not hard.

Cats are grateful for an audience,

especially when at silly play

with their alternative mice,

appreciative of genuine warm-heartedness,

a human who is more than food-giving nice.

They constantly remind me to become

someone worthy of their friendship,

letting go of ego, power, pretense,

inspiring me to live a life of

incisive simplicity and common sense,

and when I meet a new cat anywhere,

no matter where I might go,

offering a hand to nuzzle,

remembering to say hello.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Middle of the river


Wading In 

Stepping out where the waters are deep and dark,

I paused, oak tree still.

Knowing which way the stick floats,

I paused, oak tree still.

The river grew whitecaps, bred rushing sounds,

I paused, oak tree still.

My walking stick at the ready, forked end down,

I paused, oak tree still.

Smelling the blooming of the trees near the shore,

I paused oak tree still.

Marine Corps Birthday # 247, 11/10/2022

 Thinking today about

my fellow Marines,

my comrades in both

war and peace,

young and old,

men and women.

Some gave all,

all gave some.

There are no ex-Marines,

not even us old coots,

home awaiting orders.

None of us fought for

a patch of land,

a headline,

a leader.

Perhaps for the country,

but mostly for each other,

our oath and pledge to

operate with ruthless honor,

protecting the living,

remembering the dead.

All Marines are 

my brothers and sisters.

Even when we’ve never met,

I know them, love them,

and appreciate them.

Especially on each Veterans Day,

I remember our code of life…

…Semper Fidelis.

Veterans Day 2022

 Being the only veteran in a room

is like speaking a foreign language,

or thinking in one, as you seek

another who lets you feel understood.

Most of the veterans I know

don’t talk too much about it,

especially those who went to war,

but I have learned that

the more you reveal your story,

speak or write of your experience,

the more you heal.

There’s a weight in keeping it close,

even when one wants to talk about it.

So what does one do?

Perhaps, find another veteran,

one who answered the call,

be it in war or peace,

knowing we are all comrades,

better because we served.

Most of us don’t look like

those recruitment posters,

“The few, the proud…”,

but we feel like it.

We know war is fought by kids,

too young to drink,

too young to vote,

not too young to die.

They’re trained, schooled in battle,

but there’s no way to prepare them

for what it’s like the first time 

one fires on another person,

and there’s no good way to prepare them

for when they return to civilian-hood,

taking the long journey back,

hearing bumper sticker thank you’s,

well meant but awkward.

There are manuals for how to create soldiers,

but few directions for creating veterans,

why the VA, Legion, DAV, VFW matter,

the places where the bond can be recaptured.

I’m grateful I survived to have earned the right

to tell my brothers and sisters that I get them,

to acknowledge that they all experienced

Dangerous Duty.

They trained for it, lived it, survived it,

and forget, relive or remember it,

and today I welcome them home,

tell that, whether I have met them or not,

I honor them.