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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

May, 2022 17’s

 Time together here

on Earth is precious. I am

so grateful for us.

The longer I live,

the more Divinity I 

see in everything.

Be patient with you,

while you’re learning something new.

Don’t get discouraged.

Listen for your call. 

You are stronger than you think. 

Live beyond your fear. 

We all have talent.

Look within yourself to see.

We can change the world.

Those times when I think

I know everything are when

I can learn nothing.

Going nowhere helps

calm my thoughts of everywhere.

Today, I’m sitting.

When I can’t come up

with an answer, I know that 

Grace will carry me.

Embracing changes.

They are inevitable.

Sitting hopefully.

I find truth in the

present moment. There’s no more

I need to create.

Wash my hands, maintain

distance, keep myself free from 

fear and suffering.

I hear “their” viewpoint

and realize the world is 

not just black and white.

While separated,

we remain connected by

love which never ends.

I see you, love you,

and always support you in 

your magnificence.

When I wake in doubt,

I don’t despair. I simply

opt to recommit.

I release weak thoughts,

all useless thoughts of illness,

sitting in wholeness.

Rest and nutrition,

quiet time with family,

self care at its best.

I often make noise,

but I seldom notice it.

Tinnitus, you know. 

The present moment 

is the only moment. Might

as well settle in.

What noises did I

make, sounds did I hear, before

my parents were born?

Even when busy,

I can bless myself with rest. 

It’s time for a nap!

The earth’s needs are great.

When I feel overwhelmed,

I do what I can.

Forgiveness is an

ongoing process, not a

simple one and done.

Most often, it’s best

to just let things go, rather

than living with hate.

Engaging in thoughts

of gratitude will give one

a happier life.

If one would be kind

they might choose the right words from

their odd, random thoughts 

When I say things wrong,

it’s the next thing said which makes

me feel good or bad.

There is always good

being done in this wide world,

not only the bad.

I don’t pray to beg.

I pray to receive God’s will,

infinite blessing.

Today I plan to 

express peace by being it,

in the here and now.

I wake, look outside,

spy our beautiful garden,

see a place of grace. 

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