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Friday, April 24, 2020

Age Old Truth

Old men can’t help themselves,
it’s the nature of the beast,
the looking back,
the wondering about change.
If they’re lucky, they
consciously decide to be still, 
use their current downtime,
allow some time to contemplate 
their spiritual nature, 
realize it’s not how it was, 
nor how it will be,
it’s how it is right now.
Once they accept that,
they can rest in a peaceful heart,
live with appreciation and awe,
grateful their body is not yet used up,
smile when something is delicious,
and when it’s beautiful, simply sigh.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Random Thoughts on the Social Network

If my words offend you,
please be forgiving.
My filters sometimes fail me.

I’ve been trying to remember 
what it was I was concerned about 
last year, as May approached.

Oh, I know.
It was that cancer thing. 
And the chemo.
The stuff that has me 
ducking for cover now.

It was then I learned
there’s a time for doing things, 
and one for being still, becoming quiet.
Both are dear.

It was then I concluded
we can’t keep doing  what we want. 
We need to start 
doing what we must.

It was then I adopted a philosophy of
compassion without borders.
This sounds like a fine concept,
don’t you think?

But please, don’t ask me to march
for peace and justice and equality.
Social distancing and
bone spurs, you know.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


I’m a counter, always have been.
It’s an oddity, but a useful one.
Made for childhood success with math,
later on with humans.
I love real people,
especially the odd ones,
a little off the norm.
They are weirdly consistent.
You can count on them.
Every one of them is a tale.
They are enjoying
their human experience.
So am I.
It’s a perfect fit.
I watch, observe, 
count the minutes,
then get to work,
being creative,
making art,
telling their stories.

Monday, April 20, 2020


Can’t say I feel isolated,
lonely, alone.
Not with Zoom and Skype,
and there’s always the phone.
The mail has been lighter,
junk mail withdrawal.
It’s the economy, some say,
Wall Street caused it all. 
Most of my business
I do on the ‘Net,
no stash of stamps,
no envelopes, yet,
there are some things
requiring a physical touch, 
some books, magazines, 
but really not much.
Still, I can’t imagine
a life without friends,
absent them there’d be no me.
My profile, certainly,
would be nothing to see.
Much of me reflects them,
of this I am sure.
Solo, I might go on, but
in no way as pure.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Door A or Door B?

For this one, we were given six words to include in the piece...bump, embrace, resolve, howl, lonely, and fixture.

Door A or Door B?

Can we think that
we are only accidents,
a mere bump in the night
during a lonely god’s meanderings,
created as it would howl into the cosmos?

Or might we embrace the thought
that we are fixtures of an omniscient God’s intent,
spiritual beings, brought forth in these bodies,
living between two eternities,
with purpose and resolve?

I know which one I choose.

Life Sentence

It’s been fifty years or more
since I last saw my mother,
caught up in the pain of war,
floating high above my body, 
broken by some bomb or other.

Though ‘twas dark of night,
over the fires of hell,
she radiated pure light,
not taking me home,
but with a message to tell.

Now, long after that war,
no memory do I lack,
I know this for sure,
though dead for nine years,
she was sending me back.

As we floated above,
one thing was easy to tell,
she was pure love,
returning me with this message:
to live my life well.

Friday, April 17, 2020


There’s nothing to wish for, nothing to crave.
We already have all that we need.
There’s more to cherish in the things we gave.
There’s nothing to wish for, nothing to crave.
Only our memories are worthy to save,
all else, like the dandelion, going to seed.
There’s nothing to wish for, nothing to crave.
We already have all that we need.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


As imperfect as I am,
what right to instruct another,
like anyone who reads my thoughts,
be it a friend, sister, brother.
I try to inspire faith, spread hope,
promote kindness, go for broke
on what matters most to Spirit,
how life improves as you near it.
I’ve born sadness, guilt and shame
of course, but not of late,
now dispensing with that pain,
I have no room for hate.
There’s more to come, to learn,
lessons to put to rhyme,
so much more to contribute.
This might take some time.
As imperfect as I am,
as frail as I seem,
one truth remains above all others,
I am not too old to dream.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

There’s Work To Do

In the height of my intended place,
keeping my eyes on the prize,
which is simply living in Grace,
this much I’ve come to realize.
My goal is to send the negatives
back to the nothingness
from which they arrive.
My plan is to always do so,
forever and longer,
as long as I am alive.
I’m sticking to large goals,
plans positive and grand,
aiming for more lofty roles,
for the betterment of Man.

Reflections on Spirit

I usually picture nothing
as a good thing to achieve.
I do, however, believe in
a source, a power, an omnipresence,
which some call God, others Spirit.
Doesn’t matter what you call it.
It’s here, there and everywhere,
working with me, through me.
I am at ease in some not knowing,
feel no need to prove it.
I simply enjoy reflecting on It.
In matters of Spirit, words get in my way, 
feelings being the language of my soul.
Spirit speaks quietly to me.
Most out-loud sounds are only noise.
Even though most yearning hearts ask,
can we still speak to God,
I prefer to sit in silence,
listening for my stage directions
from the Universe.
My body might be bruised,
sometimes broken,
but my spirit remains 
healthy, whole, complete.
No matter the temporary condition.
there need not be
collateral damage to my soul.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Veterans Day Is Every Day

Being a part of the community of veterans, especially those veterans of foreign wars, is both an honor and a duty, with a sacred obligation to past, current and future generations of our country’s warriors and protectors, and I do not take it lightly. Veterans’ missions did not end with their active military service. They all remain steadfast in their comradeship with one another, even while at home, awaiting further orders. Many of them have dealt with and continue to deal with illness and injuries which changed them and their place in the world. For some, the pain has not ended. For others, as many as twenty each day, the agony was too great to continue in their current bodies, in their current life. Now, those of us who have found ways to live in peace, in Spirit’s hands, must be a shining example, a lamp of hope, a light at the end of the tunnel. It is the least we can do. We all know what war costs, whether we were in battle or not. We all know that memories linger and, unless we continue with courage and find a way to change our thinking about the past, the pain will persist. The nightmares will continue. The burden which our friends and families must share will grow. We joined the military for different reasons, some were drafted, many volunteered. After boot camp, however, we all learned that we had become part of a new family, one bigger than our previous, solitary lives. We had become larger than before. We mattered, and others depended upon us. It is no different now, even for those of us who long ago qualified for our AARP cards. I have, personally, lived with pain and turmoil, found some answers, still seek others. I do not, however, regret even one day of it. Not anymore. In my middle years, regret, remorse, shame, sadness, sleeplessness and anger ruled the day. Now, the fog has lifted. While some of the pain lingers, I have no doubt nor confusion about the special gifts which military service afforded me. Whether I feel that I have it in me or not, I am now duty bound to ensure that all veterans are appreciated, all wounded heroes are cared for, and that all invisible injuries are brought into the light of day, so that treatment can be provided. The value which I take from camaraderie with my brothers and sisters does not have a number. It is incalculable. I hope to plant the seeds of appreciation, honor, encouragement and sustenance for the rest of my life. It’s a lot to do, so I’d best get with it. I know that I am not alone in these goals. Many institutions, associations and individuals are doing so much more than I will ever accomplish, yet even though I am like a single raindrop in an ocean, I will continue to find the drive to be of help, to do my part. My brothers and sisters, the veterans, deserve nothing less.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Should I Feel

Should I feel 
stuck at home, afraid, or
connected to my love, blessed with this opportunity?
Should I feel 
lonely, sorry for my plight, or
connected to this shared experience with the world?
Should I feel
forsaken, distant from my neighbors, or
connected to this time to heal our Mother, our planet?
Should I feel 
alone, lost in my fear, my aging body, or
connected to eternity, knowing I am a divine soul.
Should I feel
lost in circumstances, not the spiritual truth of things, or
connected to the certainty that I am one with God?

Follow My Lead

Your head gives you reasons,
your heart is your guide,
positive choices
within you reside.
Know yourself,
follow your heart,
but don’t just sit there,
we each play a part.
Not the reason to do so,
no purpose, and yet,
the more that you give,
the more that you get.
I’ve never believed,
at least not so far,
all things happen for a reason,
no, some things just are.
When I can't figure out why,
it’s not something tragic.
If I don’t know why something works,
I assume, simply magic,
like calling a friend,
just being there,
a simple act of kindness,
a heaven sent prayer.

Hannah’s Natal Day

My fire sign sister has
created a stir,
as today is her birthday,
passing by in a blur,
with friends sending wishes
from necessarily afar,
all saying the same thing,
how delightful you are.
I know this is the start of
a gorgeous next year,
as deep in our hearts,
we hold you so dear.


There arrives a moment
in each day,
when the poems are written,
the dishes put away,
both cats asleep 
In their special places.
This is the moment
to celebrate,
challenge yourself,
forget that you can’t
draw or sing or dance,
do something that
if you catch yourself doing so,
will make you happy.
small gestures,
shared routines,
rituals and observances,
all coin happiness,
each moment an opportunity
for a healing ceremony,
a chance
to light a lamp,
in broad daylight.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Living Spaces

Been thinking about my age 
now that I’m seventy-five,
not so much about living longer,
more about truly being alive.
Never really thought about this age,
but now that it’s here,
it bears a little reflection,
thoughts of what I hold most dear.
Sunshine begetting flowers,
kindness creating humanity,
gratitude leading to happiness,
healthfulness without vanity.
Just sitting in my room,
comfortable in my thoughts,
thinking not of the nots,
focused on the oughts.
My brain doesn’t know what’s real
or imagined, or so it would seem,
I might as well trust in faith,
I might as well dream.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Future Perfect

All of a sudden, everything shifted.
And then, because of faith, the fog lifted.
I mean, now I look at myself in the mirror,
never have gotten stuck doing that before,
It’s my body, all right, and my hair,
even more white, so much of it there.
What the hell, it’s a used body, this one, 
well used, sometimes at work, other times fun.
But it’s not the body, at least not the externals,
that leads to awareness, including infernals.
There’s movement and change, I think maybe growth.
Wasn’t a churchgoer, a pray-er, but I’m there now, doing both.
Even my dreams have been altered, 
by cosmic forces or aging nostrils, who can tell?
Hopes and aspirations still abound, 
different now, and that’s just as well.
How will future success be measured?
Perhaps it’s in how well we manage change.
Maybe just let the change occur, be treasured,
allow the world to rearrange.
Whatever’s coming, there are a few things I know.
I want to laugh too much.
I plan to cry when it’s necessary.
I intend to be happy, healthy and at peace.
So, it’s not really change that’s due, at all.
It’s simply transformation.