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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

A Note Found on a Desk

Thank you for 
completing me,
this being 
my last task,
left hanging, 
waiting for your part,
otherwise how tragic,
how it might sadly be,
no beauty, no art.

Did I die well?
I have given the matter 
great thought,
well, frequent thought at least,
perhaps not so profound,
this being the nature of the beast.
My preference would have been
for the least untidy end, 
free of trauma for me,
to be sure, but see,
even more for my discoverer,
upon whom I must depend.
I had thought it would be best 
to be asleep at the time, 
but maybe it wasn’t so,
maybe at my desk, 
one last comma to insert, 
or to there’s
a tragedy, I know.

I did not want it 
to be in public,
strangers made awkward by the intrusion,
but my fondness for my love
led me to wish for not at home,
though she would wish for her inclusion.

Ah, the dilemma.
Well, no more.
What it was, it was. 
Do not be sad, please, 
as I am not,
this ancient body 
had long begun its rot.
I have seen 
some of what is to be,
the thin veil,
the great mystery, 
the ever-hopeful maybe.
Be well, and do not shirk,
do great work 
with small things.

And keep in touch.

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