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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Fall Clothes

Nice Threads, Mate

is something no one
has ever said to me,
and they probably 
never will, you see,
I’m a tee-shirt kinda guy,
put on the pants
I took off last night,
can’t be bothered about
how I look, really can’t,
try as hard as I might.
I don’t focus on my looks,
just make sure to,
brush my teeth, 
wash my hair.
Is that so wrong for
an old guy like me?
I mean, what’s it matter,
why should I care?
A simple approach is
the one I chose, 
as my joy has nothing 
to do with my clothes,
so it’s tee-shirts and chinos,
maybe shorts, for me.
They work fine.
The too-warm mornings 
of summer are gone now,
but autumn still sleeps a bit, 
not quite awake,
not quite ready for her big hurrah.
We are well past the solstice, 
but she’s still young,
and I am satisfied to 
comfortably capture bits
of  breezy brilliance,
enlivened by the simple 
pleasure of it all,
commonplace as it may seem,

grateful for this good day.

Friday, October 26, 2018


For a Simple Guy, One Small Thing

Not for me, the grand concepts.
I mean, I know that poverty
is cyclical or situational,
but that guy on the corner?
He just wants a sandwich,
maybe a beer.

Not for me, the great concerns.
I mean, I know that orphans exist,
and child care’s too costly,
but that girl on the swing?
She just needs a push,
maybe a hug.

Not for me, the larger issues.
I mean, I know the snowcap is melting,
but insomnia won’t help.
All I can do is turn off some lamps,
light one little candle, and hope others do too,
that the sum of the candles will light up the globe,
maybe my life.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Veterans Day 2018

Being a part of the community of veterans, especially the veterans of foreign wars, is both an honor and a duty, with a sacred obligation to past, current and future generations of our country’s warriors, its protectors, and I do not take it lightly. Veterans’ missions did not end with their active military service. They all remain steadfast in their comradeship with one another, even while at home, awaiting further orders. Many of them have dealt with and continue to deal with illness and injuries which changed them and their place in the world. For some, the pain has not ended. For others, as many as twenty each day, the agony was too great to continue in their current bodies, in their current life. Now, those of us who have found ways to live in peace, in Spirit’s hands, must be a shining example, a lamp of hope, a light at the end of the tunnel. It is the least we can do. We all know what war costs, whether we were in battle or not. We all know that memories linger and, unless we continue with courage and find a way to change our thinking about the past, the pain will persist. The nightmares will continue. The burden which our friends and families must share will grow. We joined the military for different reasons, some were drafted, many volunteered. After boot camp, however, we all learned that we had become part of a new family, one bigger than our previous, solitary lives. We had become larger than before. We mattered, and others depended upon us. It is no different now, even for those of us who long ago qualified for our AARP cards. I have, personally, lived with pain and turmoil, found some answers, still seek others. I do not, however, regret even one day of it. Not anymore. In my middle years, regret, remorse, shame and anger ruled the day. Now, the fog has lifted. While some of the pain lingers, I have no doubt nor confusion about the special gifts which military service afforded me. Whether I like it or not, I am now duty bound to ensure that all veterans are appreciated, all wounded heroes are cared for, and that all invisible injuries are brought into the light of day, so that treatment can be provided. The value which I take from camaraderie with my brothers and sisters does not have a number. It is incalculable. I hope to plant the seeds of appreciation, honor, encouragement and sustenance for the rest of my life. It’s a lot to do, so I’d best get with it. I know that I am not alone in these goals. Many institutions, associations and individuals are doing so much more than I will ever accomplish, yet even though I am like a single raindrop in an ocean, I will continue to find the drive to be of help, to do my part. My brothers and sisters, the veterans, deserve nothing less.


Summer’s Final Breath

Here in the true southwest,
summer has departed, but 
autumn’s full arrival awaits,
offstage, in the wings, 
visible but not yet tangible.
Down here, near to both
Mexico and the ocean,
autumn chooses her colors
slowly, carefully,
not combining just any hues,
until one morning in
early November,
as the sun creeps over 
Mount Woodson,
she decides to show herself.
Her outfit is muted,
unlike the garish gear 
of early summer,
more suited to satisfaction
than excitement.
For that, we must turn to
the migrating flocks,
the departure of the tourist families,
the return of the Snowbirds,
and the squawks of the crows on
their daily trips to and from the dump.
For a simple guy,
whose joy has nothing 
to do with clothes, 
this is all good.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Other thoughts on Crimsom

When my eyes are filled with blood, my mood far from sanguine, even as I contemplate the vast ocean of wonderful writers, the crowded sky of prolific poets, it is easy to slip into insignificance, but when I sometimes say something which alters another person’s perspective, perhaps on a day when they needed it, I realize I am significant, along with everyone who dares to express their soul, and when they respond with love, my heart beats a little stronger.


New Life Always Follows

Summer’s final breath,
ravens scout in blushing skies,
monks still pray for peace.


Beach Bunny Rag

Just twenty miles from the beach to our home,
yet a change in our mood readily comes,
only thirty minutes away from the dry local air,
savoring moisture in our oceanside lair.
We love our two nests, both seasoned with love,
Spirit surrounds us, within us, above.
Our friends like it too, their joy adds a spice,
three parts of playful, one jigger of vice.
Our lives are perfect as any fine thing,
no matter the season, it’s always our spring.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Autumn of My Years

A thought arises, lingers not, departs,
as our summer too soon becomes the fall.
This is true in writing, in all the arts.
A thought arises, lingers not, departs.
We must soon act on what is in our hearts,
lest we would forget, lose our soul, our all.
A thought arises, lingers not, departs,
as our summer too soon becomes the fall.



I don’t always know
what will happen when I act.
I know, though, 
what happens when I don’t.
We all fail sometimes.
(It stinks, doesn’t it ?)
We all fall sometimes.
When you do,
give me your hand.
(Ah, the sweet smell of succor)


Fall of ‘67

October 27, 0230, 
I’m falling, then flying,
perhaps from friendly fire,
death surely on its way.
I see my mother in the light,
dead these nine years.
I am no longer matter,
floating high above the
firefight below,
clear even in the darkness
of this early day.
Go back, she tells me,
you are not to stay,
still work for you to do,
important matters 
to attend to.
Easy now to understand,  
no matter the task,
the work is peace, 
all that really matters.,
all for which I pray.


Peace in Late Life

My summer did not
change me, leaves are falling now.
winter’s close behind.


The Work is Peace

I’ve been poor before,
no food, money, job, and no
ideas, fear-filled.

So happy for the
joy in my life now, as I’m
filled with abundance.

Breathing in with grace,
exhaling with gratitude,
life is just too good.

Grace, gratitude and 
generosity seem to 
work just fine for me.

There remains much truth,
even with this awareness,
left to discover.

Abundance is our 
right, prosperity a state 
of mind, effortless.

Giving is often 
based on happenstance,
yet it’s easy to be kind.

Not why we give, but
a cornucopia of
joy always follows.


There Remains Much Truth 

I’ve written before that
Elm Avenue in Wisconsin
no longer has elm trees,
only the brittle twigs 
of our memories,
much like, I suppose,
Orange Tree Estates, 
Orange County, CA
has no orange trees,
only the faintly remembered 
aromas from youth,
the sweet citrus dreams 
of SoCal hipsters.

Many pines remain 
in Pine Top, AZ,
and you can still find birches 
in Birch Tree, AR,
but, for most of us,
we only have photo albums
to take us back to our roots.

The elms are gone
but the palms remain hearty.
Thank goodness there was no
Dutch Palm Tree malady,
although I’m pretty sure that
it wasn’t Dutch Orange Tree disease
that caused all those uprootings in SoCal.
If this global warming thing,
or some other planetary sickness
gets to the palm trees,
we’re in real trouble.
but that will be for
a different poet’s despair.


Doves Love Brittle Twigs

Autumn’s first breezes,
neighbors spy as we build homes,
doves find love mid-air. 

Comfort Food

Mis en Place
(Umami is my comfort)

Our new neighbors spy on us, 
over the fence,
but I think we’ll soon be friends, 
maybe when I cook for them.
Umami is already my friend,
and I like to cook like I mean it.
I’m no gourmet chef,
but I find it a holy thing
to serve food to others.
In some ways, every meal is a miracle,
especially when eaten with friends.
Beauty can be coaxed
out of the ugliest of vegetables,
if the preparation is done mindfully.
It’s all in the details.


Feeling the Change of Seasons

As comfortably as sowing leads to harvest,
faith summons us to follow.
As faithfully as spring leads to summer,
fall must always follow.
As assuredly as heart leads to joy,
love presently follows.
As completely as love leads to sharing,
peace eventually follows.
As ultimately as peace leads to calm,
life truly follows.
As predictably as life leads to death,
new life always follows.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Word Soup

Autumn Comfort

We must appreciate now 
what is in our hearts,
responding to the warm glow 
of camaraderie.
Today looks to be a good day for it,
nothing too grand, nor magical,
simply a few hours of quiet enjoyment,
on our beach, hidden, 
cozily nestled behind 
piles of crunchy sand,
feeling the change of seasons.
Just some idle conversation with friends,
perhaps turning into joyful fun, 
aliveness, hope for the future.
We are cheered on by 
the crisp sunlight of early fall,
hands shielding eyes against the glare,
smelling the ocean in the thin clouds,
down here, close to the border with Mexico. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

October Daily Zen’s

Compassion should not be related to politics or ideology, but rather
to genuine care for the people we encounter

Every day is a surprise 

I find that no medicine is stronger than human affection

Be honest

Be compassionate 

Seek truth, even through your wounds 

I think that, today, I’ll take myself less seriously

I try to not give my peace away easily 

Let it go

Simply smile when something is delicious. When it’s beautiful, simply sigh.

It’s pleasant to regularly allow some time to contemplate one’s spiritual nature

Inspiration is great, but it has to find you ready to get to work 

I think that, today, I’ll take a deep breath, smile and relax

Live, love, laugh, play. 
You owe it to yourself.

Can we suppose that we are accidents?

My pens are my slingshots, their ink my stones
Keep calm and love poets

Remain teachable 

Consciously decide to be still, take some needed downtime.

Rest in a peaceful heart 

Buddhism for Beginners: make friends with silence, with stillness

There is no thought I have which is more powerful than appreciation.

Our walls would be empty if only artistic geniuses were allowed to paint

Seek truth, even through your wounds.

Who is making your choices?

Live in appreciation and awe.

Finding happiness in small things is more fruitful than awaiting a lollapalooza

Because the bulb is broken, it doesn’t mean that the power source is out.

A palilogy:  Let me know, let me know that love will heal us all.

My head gives me reasons, my heart provides guidance.

I think that, today, I’ll open more to the good which awaits me

When my lips are closed, there’s more room for my heart to speak

The inner peace I feel surpasses my brain-based grasp of politics

Don’t give up. Be honest and compassionate. Keep trying.

If you want peace, be peaceful 

I have the power to choose my response to everything.

I have many unlikely teachers. How about you?

When I feel listless, the best thing is to make a list. (of my loves)

It’s not how it was, nor how it will be. Nope, it’s how it is right now.

Embrace uncertainty. Be at ease with not knowing.

I am simply a little more happy, peaceful, transformed. Not trying to convince, just sharing.

Simple faith plus open-hearted curiosity equals greater good.

Today I am focused on being a boon, bringing ease when I find discontent.

Say yes to an open heart

Claim your abundance!

My life is a piece of art. A little messy, but still colorful

When one thinks they were perhaps scheduled to die long ago, today is amazing.

Fulfill your calling

Ask more questions

Be a part of something bigger than yourself

Refresh yourself, create space, restore inner balance, feel renewed

Thursday, October 18, 2018


The Work is Peace

I’ve been poor before,
no food, money, job, and no
ideas, fear-filled.

So happy for the
joy in my life now, as I’m
filled with abundance.

Breathing in with grace,
exhaling with gratitude,
life is just too good.

Grace, gratitude and 
generosity seem to 
work just fine for me.

There remains much truth,
even with this awareness,
left to discover.

Abundance is our 
right, prosperity a state 
of mind, effortless.

Giving is often 
based on happenstance,
yet it’s easy to be kind.

Not why we give, but
a cornucopia of
joy always follows.