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Friday, February 24, 2017

a few more seventeen's

I have been given so much,
and now I am called
to share my blessings.

I am enjoying
my human experience.
It’s a perfect fit.

I love real people,
especially the odd ones,
a little off.

Everyone I meet is a teacher,
sometimes for better,
others worse.

When I'm searching 
for happiness,
first I seek
a little gratitude.

Please be generous with me.
 I am imperfect.
But I am trying.

I try hard
to make great decisions.
I try harder
to be a good man.

I’ve been thinking about
my fellow Marines.
All gave some.
Some gave all.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

more seventeen syllables...

Aiming to be calm, mindful,
as the world’s  begging me to
lose my cool

Hoping I can find
more understanding,
more compassion
to offer.

When my dreams are
more vivid than reality,
I forget to act.

Please be generous with me.
 I am imperfect.
But I am trying.

I love real people,
especially the odd ones,
a little off.

Everyone I meet is a teacher,
sometimes for better,
others worse.

I sometimes write
long poems because
It takes too long
To write shorter ones.

Thanks, reader, for taking
a break from The News
and enjoying yourself.

We’re born for these times,
and I am willing to do
whatever it takes.

I’m doing okay
accepting others,
less so forgiving myself.

I just heard an old
Western adage:
When your horse is dead,
get off it.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Fourteen Words for Love

14 Words for Love

All you need is love.
Maybe a chocolate malt, too.
Oh, and some wi-fi.

Nearly half
a century together,
and I still love you
even more each day.

I pray for peace,
and for calm.
You remain the answer
to my prayers.

Imperfect as I am,
I still work daily
to be worthy
of your love.

Oh for young love again,
when I so needed
the lessons of old age.

The simplest meal,
If it’s prepared with love,
becomes a work of art.

Cherishing you is the source of
my happiness and good fortune.
Daily problems vanish.

We must have loved before,
in another time, place, existence.
How else explain it?

If love is a lottery,
I’m so glad
You took a chance on me.

I stare in the dark,
while you sleep,
amazed at how
lucky I am.

I have a secret.
I’m in love with
my best friend.
Think she knows?

Holding your love close,
not wanting it to fade,
like a perfect Spring day.

There’s a time for
passionate love,
also one for
becoming quiet.
Both are sweet.

It is only when
I forget my needs
that I can begin
to love.

It’s pure and kind
and free and unlimited,
given without needs.
It’s unconditional.

More Seventeen Syllables for 2017

Aiming to be calm, mindful,
as the world’s  begging me to
lose my cool

Hoping I can find
more understanding,
more compassion
to offer.

Please be generous with me.
 I am imperfect.
But I am trying.

I love real people,
especially the odd ones,
a little off.

Everyone I meet is a teacher,
sometimes for better,
others worse.

When my dreams are
more vivid than reality,
I forget to act.

I sometimes write
long poems because
It takes too long
To write shorter ones.

I’m doing okay
accepting others,
less so forgiving myself.

I just heard an old
Western adage:
When your horse is dead,
get off it.

I have been given so much,
and now I am called
to share my blessings.

I am enjoying
my human experience.
It’s a perfect fit.

I see you,
I love you,
and I support you
in your magnificence.

We’re born for these times,
and I am willing to do
whatever it takes.

Thanks, reader, for taking
a break from The News
and enjoying yourself.

