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Thursday, April 29, 2021



Approaching the gloaming now, 

the dawn seems eons behind. 

The dark of night waits, 

patiently biding it’s time behind a

faint early evening star.

It was noon only a minute ago,

brightly shining with hope,

plans made with surety,

more time than dreams to fill it.

Now, awaiting an uncertain future,

the hours already spent 

seem but trumpery

when placed beside 

the time remaining.

Too much wastage, 

squandered could haves, 

elusive promises.

Still, there’s work to do,

and yes, time to do it.

What’s left is now, 


this moment, 

as the sun fully sets, 

dawn and dark of night 

the same gift of opportunity, 

like a poem, 

somewhere between 

a vision and a dream.



Living this moment,

trusting in a future,

awaiting the

vernal equinox,

mid-day and late evening 

in perfect harmony.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021




No one but me is

in charge of my happiness.

What I picture is

what I create.

I am choosing the

best way to demonstrate.

Today, I am

laughing out loud.

We so want to believe,

to realize and achieve

that one goal, just one thing

that allows our hearts to sing.

It can be sacred, what you do,

how much you give returns to you.

The seeds we sow,

in the soil to grow,

the effect will shine

in the plant divine,

affirming our presence in the flow.

Only we ourselves can free us,

as no one else can be us.

What we think, we’ll eventually see,

assume it is and it will be.

Believe or don’t believe


I don't believe

everything happens

for a reason.

Some things just are.

I also don't believe 

everything I think. 

Sometimes, I'm just 

out of focus.

I do believe it’s a good idea

for a poem or a thought

to rest awhile,

until it’s ready.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021



Through years of anger,

guilt, regret, he’d yearned

for peace, forgiveness, 

seemingly forever mired, 

in memories forever burned.

Those who did not know him

thanked him for his service,

with no idea how it felt to hear,

living with the pain still near,

how separate from his now,

from his life’s new purpose,

his desire to grow, to know.

He’d tried to forgive himself 

a thousand times, at least,

would do so again,

on each new day,

through joy or remorse, 

come what may,

but held by the memory, 

a determined beast,

those well-intended thanks

reminders of a distant East,

hoping time enough remained

for blessed service and more,

to banish pain and guilt, 

master new lessons before

life’s final peace

brings an end to his war.


 3:00 a.m.

Just lying in bed,

lost in my thoughts.


I find myself.

Oh, I see,

this is how 

my mind works.

Comfortable in my place,

thinking not of the nots,

focused on the oughts.

My thoughts are like clouds.

They are just passing by.

Some look like bunnies.

Not afraid of negative thoughts,

but I also don’t ask them

in for coffee.

If I would be happy,

first I must

be grateful.

I know I am not perfect, 

but I think

I am good enough.

Serene patience in a 

grocery store checkout line.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

World 3

 The world

could end

by lunchtime, so

let this moment shine.

Let it breathe.

Whatever’s coming

will come in due time,

including, regrets, mistakes and grief,

in all their untidy dress,

complicated and deep,

feeling a lot like fear.

Lifelong friends may think enough

of each other 

to take a moment to call,

even to lie once in awhile,

as they traverse oceans and

mountains and valleys of emotion,

preparing for what must ultimately come,

with certainty that there’s another way

to be in the world,

even without a remedy for death.

Uncomfortable as it is,

afraid as we are,

we can only listen to our breath,

find a calm corner inside,

engage with the world as it is right now,

and live with an open heart.

In this way,  dawn breaks for me

as some of my friends live in twilight.

Night will come soon enough.

World redux

 A Husband’s World

Why in the world must she have so many shoes?

Such an enormous obsession.

Why this collection did she choose?

Why in the world must she have so many shoes?

It’s as if she didn’t buy them, she’d have something to lose,

feel lost without them in her possession.

Why in the world must she have so many shoes?

Such an enormous obsession.

A Wife’s World

Why in the world must he have so few shirts?

Such a lack of dignified style.

Sometimes they’re so hole-ly it hurts.

Why in the world must he have so few shirts?

It’s as if he he bought more, he’d think it the worst,

feel lost for both a short time and for long while.

Why in the world must he have so few shirts?

Such a lack of dignified style.


 She Is My World

In those early days,

I would have liked 

to give her the world,

and, believe me,

she would have liked that too,

but I owned so little of it,

thought I couldn’t afford it,

so all she’d receive 

was a homemade valentine,

not even capitalized,

and, one year, some patchouli oil,

another, some seeds 

from a Burpee catalog.

Those seeds were for Cosmos,

and I really don’t like them much,

but she does, and

that’s enough, 

like those $3.99 Driscoll strawberries,

the ones she prefers, 

when all I eat are 

the $1.50 baskets with

unmemorable names,

the loss leaders from the chains.

I own more of the world now,

but I’m older and wiser too,

know that it’s not mine to give, 

and what’s it matter, anyhow?

In the way of men and women

of a certain age, of

husbands and wives 

of all ages,

if I need a new tee shirt, I buy one,

while she has the world 

in her catalogs.

Then there’s Ebay, Amazon, all the rest,

but don’t get me started on those.

Believe or Don’t Believe


Grace, Faith, Belief

No matter how uneasy 

some days are,

I recall that I chose them.

Knowing it is a struggle 

to believe in the good 

when life points otherwise,

I reserve the right to believe, 

regardless my sources,

no matter the topic,

that the truth will come out,

honesty will triumph,

love will trump cuteness,

each and every time,

as all wonder-filled hearts

generously give birth

to beautiful poetry.

Even when life says

don’t believe it,

I hope for it to be so.

I’ll see it

when I believe it.

That’s how it is.

Would you believe it?

Could you conceive it?

The seeds we sow

in the soil to grow,

just the thing which

allows our hearts to sing.

Sunday, April 25, 2021


 3:00 a.m.

Just lying in bed,

lost in my thoughts.


I find myself.

Oh, I see,

this is how 

my mind works.

Comfortable in my place,

thinking not of the nots,

focused on the oughts.

My thoughts are like clouds.

They are just passing by.

Some look like bunnies.

Not afraid of negative thoughts,

but I also don’t ask them

in for coffee.

If I would be happy,

first I must

be grateful.

I know I am not perfect, 

but I think

I am good enough.

Serene patience in a 

grocery store checkout line.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Question 2

 No Question 

Can we think that

we are only accidents,

a mere bump in the night

during a lonely god’s meanderings,

created as it howled into the cosmos?

I believe not.

I think we are intentional,

that today is very special. 

New beginnings always are.

Waking early,

staring into the darkness,

I found myself,

thinking about a circle,

one without a center,

one without a circumference,

one with me.


 Key Questions

Even when pain is so entire

that all else vanishes, 

I have learned that there is

but one still.

I learned to live with pain,

some of it complete.

If I could transfer this learning,

would that help make America love again?

No doubt, life is suffering..

How does one respond?

Truth or dare?

No doubt, life is a challenge.

How does one react?

Play or hide? 

There’s but one question,

summer, winter, spring and fall.

Will one work for peace?

Friday, April 23, 2021


 Not Yet the Time

Getting long in the tooth now,

my hull getting a little creaky,

decades spent between two eternities,

and this old bodily vessel has

been taking on water for some time.

It’s flat-out well-used, as nature intended.

Not ready to hand in my papers, though,

nor be donned in my gaudiest clothes,

to hear from afar

the lavish praises of my loved ones,

ring in the next turn of the wheel,

join my brothers on the wall

of the dearly departed.


Not ready to go yet.

Got too much work left to do.

There’s apologies to make,

finances to secure,

letters to burn,

estates to settle.

Need to pass along the passwords,

label all the keys,

blacklist all the accounts social,

use up all the words

intended for my use.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Earth Day 2021

 Pluses and Minuses

We wanted to plant our tomatoes 

early this year,

hoping for a warm March,

a slightly warmer April,

not like in Palm Springs,

where a warm April is welcomed 

and feared at once,

with the knowledge of the price paid 

for a beautiful spring being

a little something called summer.

We long ago tore out the grapes, 

not because we didn’t have faith in them,

but because we knew the raccoons would eat them first,

and they’d wake the cats in the middle of the night,

and the cats would wake us, 

and then nobody would get back to sleep.

We tore out the roses too,

since they only bloom a little 

And they make me bleed,

and require expensive feed.

We tore out the big greenery. 

The drought, don’t you know,

and we’d face a hurtful water bill,

and everything would die because 

we didn’t want to be hurt.

We left the trees planted by others,

orange and pomegranate,

tangerine, apple and figs.

They only drink a little.

We planted cacti and succulents,

and covered Epiphyllum,

and we adore them and their brief flowering,

because they’ll live forever.

We also planted stones and granite.

We have no hopes and dreams for them,

but they’re nice looking and don’t drink.

We just hope the Santa Ana’s don’t come through 

and throw sand and pebbles at our new windows.

If they do, I guess we’ll simply replace them.

The windows, I mean.

It’s just the nature of things.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


 Enough for Me 

Appreciating the Grace

I live in 

helps me sleep. 

throughout the night.

Expressing gratitude

as soon as I wake up 

brings me happiness.

Breathing in with grace,

exhaling with gratitude,

life is just too good.

Sometimes I still get

angry, but then I tell myself,  

nope, not today.

Everyday is a surprise, 

as I affirm that today, 2021

is a joy-filled day for me.

I’m aiming mostly

for calm, happy, and peaceable,

not cool, rich or desirable.

I now live the life I choose,

with friendship and Spirit

at its center.

Grace, gratitude and generosity

seem to work

just fine for me.

A love poem


We must have loved before,

in another time, place, existence.

How else explain it?

Only yesterday, it seems,

I prayed for peace, for calm,

and she became the answer

to my prayers.

It was only when

I forgot my own needs,

observed the truth of my

good fortune, that I could see

my daily madness vanish.

Cherishing her became

the source of my happiness,

holding her love close,

not wanting it to fade,

like a perfect Spring day,

sometimes still, always glorious.

I love her sense of style,

lifting me up 

from blandness.

I love that she loves,

me and most living things.

I love that we can be together 

for hours and not talk.

I love her honesty,

like when she eats my cooking,

and only complains a little bit.

In the end, though,

my love is not written 

on virtual paper, such as this.

It is is, rather,

etched in my very being.


 Angry with Me?

If you’re not angry with me,

would you please tell your face.

I’d feel safer then, you see.

If you’re not angry with me,

it’d suit me to a T,

and at least I’d know my  place.

If you’re not angry with me,

would you please tell your face.

Monday, April 19, 2021

An Animal Poem

 Lessons Learned from Cats

Stress can not survive 

playtime with a cat.

Each such event is its own 

time of renewal and brighter days.

Sometimes I only observe,

watching Max, the most charming

of the 25 felines who have lived with us,

as he takes a break from hunting,

basks a bit in the morning sun,

reminding me he owns the backyard.

Cats are grateful for an audience,

especially when they play

with their alternative mice,

appreciative of genuine warm-heartedness.

They constantly remind me to become

someone worthy of their friendship,

inspiring me to live a life

of incisive simplicity and common sense,

and when I meet a new cat anywhere,

remembering to say hello.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Ekphrastic poetry

On Hole Watch

The night kept coming and there was nothing I could do.

I would be vulnerable, above ground for a time, this I knew.

I would be frightened to my very toes, this was certain too.

If I survived, someone would relieve me, I knew not who.

In the meantime, I would perform my duty, as it was mine to do.

In truth, I was ready as shots were fired and missiles flew,

and I clearly lived to report, dear reader, this dreadful night to you.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


 Still Waiting 

How long does it take,

I wonder,

for a war to end?

What’s the rotation time,

I wonder,

for the  foxholes to fill in?

The only war that matters

is the one you fought in.

All warriors know this.

So many wars,

yet only one was the worst.

It’s the one you fought in.

Because it happened to you.

That year I went to war,

all thrumming energy,

rising above the cacophony,

struggling beneath the fear,

wishing mightily to be invisible,

knowing I had put myself there,

the trace elements of ego

so visible in God’s microscope.

Now, time enough remains

for service and becoming, 

but also for more,

pain, guilt, remorse, 

sometimes anger,

lessons still to master, 

before this life’s final peace

brings an end to war.