My creative mind’s been busy,
thinking about revolution,
or maybe the idea of it,
the impulse to rebel now and then,
maybe always, though
it’s not about the youthful cries for
freedom from invisible chains,
not about political demands for
change, for the pure sake of change.
No, I’ve been thinking more about
living joyfully,
being happy all the time,
doing something radical,
like being nice to everyone,
polite, helpful, compassionate.
Every day, my body gets closer
to its expiration date.
Sooner or later,
this physical self won’t exist.
There are only so many sunsets,
so few full moons to enjoy,
yet so many other people
to enjoy them with along the way,
to share kindnesses, large and small.
My body’s a bit of a wreck,
definitely well-used,
feeling more like
ninety-five than seventy-five,
but it’s still my good fortune
to have not died young.
Now, I have no fear of dying,
but death waits for all of us,
the transition to another realm.
My body might be bruised,
sometimes broken,
but my spirit remains
healthy, whole, complete.
No matter the temporary condition.
there need not be
collateral damage to my soul.
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