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Monday, April 29, 2019

Second Again

Valentines Day Again

You are at your very, very best 
when I am at my very, very worst.
I came to you a tangled string, and
you patiently worked to
straighten me out,
while I held fast 
to my unhappiness.
Now, nearly fifty years on,
I have fallen in love many, many times...
...always with you...
and I know to a certainty,
I will love you forever, 
but not a second longer.


Thinking Again

All things start in thought.
What is your legacy? 
I have chosen faith,
thinking on purpose,
heeding my own truth,
less push and pull,
more flow,
living as a warrior of compassion.
I have also chosen hope,
though hope alone is not 
a solid growth plan.
Growth happens 
one choice at a time,
though I am happiest when 
I appreciate what I have already,
what I can do now,
what works today.
More, bigger, better don’t move me. 
Gratitude for what I have does that.
I am not too old to
have goals and dreams,
I just find simplifying to be
a good idea,
a satisfying approach.
I have no need to
fix my life,
only to savor it,
to celebrate it,
to remember to pray 
when things are going well.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

More Directions


For some,
if there are no penalties,
punishments, fines,
then directions aren’t ironclad,
just merely guidelines.
And that is why 
some hearty soups turn
into casseroles,
and two loaves of bread become
a dozen dinner rolls,
and a new swing set becomes
a darling pair of chairs,
and some marriages devolve
into sordid affairs.

Ray Bradbury’s Directions

One night at a 
A street fair in Palm Springs,
when asked about how 
a new writer might succeed,
he said, it’s quite simple,
and all that you need
are three things:
First, carry paper and pen,
and don’t mess around.
When a idea strikes, don’t wait,
write it down,
write it down,
write it down.
Second, as much as you can,
get up early, 
get to work,
get a plan.
Early starts will brighten your mood,
and your work usually turns for the good.
He started to leave when 
reminded he’d said there were three,
came back, said thanks
for reminding me.
Most importantly, 
if a sound sleep you choose,
never, ever, ever,
watch the late night news.



Those of us who have
been to war
know there’s no such thing
as evening their score,
though, sitting now 
in a chemo lab, 
with thoughts of remorse,
sadness, shame and more,
I’ll take what solace I can grab,
pleased with any balance
I perchance score.
Through years of anger,
guilt, regret, I’ve yearned
for peace, forgiveness, yet
with memories forever burned,
as those who don’t know me
thank me for my service,
with no idea how it feels,
how much it makes me nervous.
I’ve forgiven myself 
a thousand times at least.
I’ll do so again today, 
quite possibly tomorrow,
the memory a determined beast,
the memory of a distant East.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Complete (blank)

Complete Freedom 

Today is so very special. 
New Beginnings always are.
Even when pain is so complete 
that all else vanishes, 
I have learned that there is
but one still.
I learned to live with pain,
some of it complete.
If I could transfer this learning,
would that help Make America Love Again?
One’s body is really nothing
more than thought itself.,
and everything is temporary.
It’s helpful to see that as the Truth.
Let that be enough.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. 
You deserve to be forgiven, pain-free.
Life is wild, wonderful,
completely in process.
So, out your doubt,
send it packing.
Seek your healing thought 
within yourself. 
Only the heart can see 
that which is really essential.
Something Good is about to happen.
The eyes are not useful to see this,
since the really essential is invisible.
Peace requires one to look within,
surrender the drama.
Be calm and realize
you’ve done all that you can do.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Free again

Not Treed, I am Freed to

Be Kind,


Freedom of Religion

Thank you for extending 
your love and hope.
Feel free to keep doing so,
but if you see me, really see me, 
please don’t always
feel the need to tell me.
When my lips are closed,
it does not mean, every time,
that it’s your turn to speak.
When my lips are closed,
there’s more room 
for my heart to speak.
Even when you see me crying, 
it doesn’t always mean I need help.
Spirit speaks quietly to me.
Most out-loud sounds are only noise.
Even though most yearning hearts ask,
can we still speak to God,
I prefer to sit in silence,
listening for my stage directions
from the Universe.
All is well and I am grateful.



Telling stories can be healing,
listening to them as well.
No poem is accidental, for me.
Every poem I write
needed to be written, by me.
They are the stories of my passage.
Poems are where my life
goes to be remembered,
where I recall the love 
which surrounds me, 
also where I accept being slighted,
forgotten, disliked,
where I accept insults and injuries,
and how I strive to be gentle, helpful,
even under provocation.
Every poem I write is
a battle to reveal myself,
it being so difficult to reach
into the realm of silent tears.
Every poem, at its beginning,
is a mystery to unravel.
Every poem, at its conclusion,
is a mission accomplished.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Little Things

Little Did I Know

the joy that might arrive
as I took steps to stay alive,
finding hope in our monthly drive
to that place where I knew I’d thrive,
trusting science as much as love,
knowing the two work hand in glove,
both parts of the Spiritual Truth of
a Divine download from above,
with treatments all first-rate,
only assurance need I create,
keeping my mind in solid state,
and I’d say, so far, so great.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Not to Overthink It, But

Your head gives you reasons,
your heart is your guide,
positive choices
within you reside.
Know yourself,
follow your heart,
but don’t just sit there,
we each play a part.
Not the reason to do so,
no purpose, and yet,
the more that you give,
the more that you get.
I’ve never believed,
at least not so far,
all things happen for a reason,
no, some things just are.
When I can't figure out why,
it’s not something tragic.
If I don’t know why something works,
I assume, simply magic,
like calling a friend,
just being there,
a simple act of kindness,
a heaven sent prayer.

Monday, April 15, 2019



Approaching sunset now, the dawn
too many years behind. The night 
waits, lingering behind the evening star.
It was noon a mere while ago,
brightly shining with hope,
plans made with future surety,
more time than dreams to fill it.
Time spent seems but trumpery
when placed beside time remaining,
too much wastage, squandered
could haves, elusive promises.
Five or seven friends yet remain, 
a thousand cronies gone the way of fumes, 
still time for eight or nine, likely no more.
Poems have always seemed like 
words in flight, now more earthly,
too often murky, poets in high dudgeon,
even as they confuse sunset for the dawn.
Still, there’s work to do.
Also time to do it.
Living in the past yields little that is good,
mostly excuses, redrafted memories and
rust-pitted trophies. 
Future has a sense of promise, of mission,
though too many maybe’s as well. 
What’s left is now, 
today, this moment, as the sun sets, 
dawn and dark of night 
the same gift of opportunity, 
like a poem, 
somewhere between a dream and a nightmare.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

California Dreams

California Dreams 

Here I am, 
in California,
at 74.
Mister Rogers died
in Pennsylvania,
just 74.
Natural causes they said.
(complicated by cancer)
Not sure where I’ll be 
at 75.
Not sure if I’ll be.
(complicated by who knows)
Pretty sure I’ll be right here, but
man plans, God laughs,
No matter who I am.
No matter how I am.
No matter where I am.

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Art of Peace

The Art of Peace

Peace on earth, yes, but first start 
with peace in your mind, in your heart.
Even as you function as compassion in motion,
thinking you’re but a drop of water in an ocean, 
be strong, confident, at ease,
knowing the battle’s won, wage peace.
With peace, like love, normal rules don’t apply.
Laugh at rejections, false failures. They lie.
Just do your best, be present, show up,
you’ll soon measure the Good in your loving cup.
Peace abides, choose hope, open your heart,
see the Good in everyone, it’s your best start.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Capital F Friends

Capital F Friends

I can’t imagine life without friends,
absent them, there would be no me,
alone, my profile would be nothing to see.
Much of me reflects them, I’m sure,
solo, I might go on, but in no way as pure.

Fabulous friends sharing values,
and interests, really close, true.
We screen movies, talk books,
write poems, compare cooks,
paint and eat lunch, 
split the bill when it’s paid.
With some of them, I’ve even
marched with pride in parades.

Too many friends are gone now, 
some dead, others simply away.
There’s one monk in an abbey,
whose courage I envy,
and I mention her often,
usually once every day.
Lovely neighbors, tossing newspapers I forget, 
yet they don’t visit uninvited, at least not yet.

My friends back east are very clear
about what matters, what is dear;
it’s family, and friends who matter most,
kept close at hand, in hearts, so near.
I have old friends who will not see 
this year’s end. Sad, but how it must be.
I’ll grieve a little, but then I’ll smile,
glad we were friends for such a long while.
Memories fade, I know this is true,
yet friends stay in focus and
I’m so glad I’ve had a few.