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Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day 2017

Living between 
two eternities,
we return to 
where it began.


If you do not hear
Spirit's voice, it's not because
the talking has stopped.


Nobody cares
what your major was.
They want to know 
what you will do.


I'm on a path which
I never anticipated. 
It's pretty cool.


I'm happiest, 
(also most in love), 
when I bring 
everything I've got. 


When I think about
how I can be of service, 
I first start at home.


Not seeing 
a world of abundance:
the biggest hindrance
to peace.


My dad's fake Rolex
is frozen, the hands 
don't move.
There is only now.


I really meant that.
It was not flattery,
simply a compliment.


It's unhealthy to say,
"That's just the way it is."
It need not be so.

Compassion must be a reflection.
I give it.
I also need it.


My heart knows the way.
I plan to follow it.
What else could I but do?


Another fence jumper
at the White House.
Were they running in,
or out?


Problems: if you spot 'em, you got 'em. 
It's better to plan for the best.


To enjoy peace and calm,
meditate every day.
This is Om's Law.


Sometimes I go
the extra mile,
others sitting still,
writing my poems.

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