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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Two-fer Tuesday again

This week's two-fer prompts are to write a slow poem and/or a never slow poem. Here's my efforts

Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There

Every morning, the same cars drive by,
thousands of them, headed somewhere,
critical books to read,
important people to meet.,
serious work to do.

Every morning, the same cars drive by,
some with evil intention,
others in an opposite direction,
people and things to kill, or to save,
people and things requiring work.

Every morning, the same cars drive by,
most filled with dread, but some hope as well,
sometimes anger, sometimes joy.
Always, there’s work to do.
There’s work to do, always.

Every morning, the same cars drive by,
and one person sits, alone, with just one candle.
Sitting quietly seems hardly enough.
One light feels scarcely sufficient.
More must be done, more movement, more work.

Every morning, the same cars drive by,
alarmingly aimed at themselves.
One person, one candle, one practice,
hoping that the sum of the lights earth-wide
will work this time.

To-do List, 11.09.10

1. Shop for dinner
2. Pay bills
3. E-mail Mike
4. Vacuum & dust
5. Moisturize hands
6. Develop awesome personality

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