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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

One Veteran’s Veterans Day Story

 I write, inspired by the writing of others,

especially the words of Veterans, 

my sisters and brothers,

As age has flattened me,

as humility has claimed me,

I write less of combat,

more of my Spiritual mission,

about oneness, unity and transition,

what some call God, universal cognition.

Not knowing what tomorrow will bring,

I’ll still write about it, in my own voice,

allow my heart and soul to sing,

I don't always

cross bridges

with joy and ease.

I am still a work in progress,

sometimes struggling,

but always thrilled by

my fellow veterans' 

achievements and triumphs.

I enjoy seeing their success,

especially because I only

hang out with people I love,

comrades who support me.

I have made many mistakes 

but none of them 

involved loving too much.

The longer I live,

the more I see

everything is Divinity.

Every thing I have.

Every thing I do.

Every thing I achieve.

Every thing I am.

Every thing I will be.

How far I have come.

How wonderful this life is.

When I look into the mirror,

I sometimes laugh out loud.

I’m funny that way,

recalling that foreign objects

enter oysters to make pearls.

How it is with my many scars.

Guilt, shame, sadness and remorse 

moved my past life, but no longer,

as age, experience and truth

have softened and humbled me,

I know that whenever answers elude me,

when success seems to run from me,

even if I forget to be grateful for what I have,

the Grace of Spirit will carry me home.

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