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Sunday, February 17, 2019

14 Words for Love

I sometimes wish you joy, or peace, or hope. I always wish you Love.

When I have only one more smile remaining, it will be just for you.

If everyone in the world had our love, there would be no more wars.

Even when I no longer have many teeth, you’ll still make me smile broadly.

When it’s dark, you’re my light. That’s why there’s a day dedicated to love.

You’re the authentic you all the time. I wouldn't have it any other way.

 Mere bumps in the road can’t stand up against the steamroller of my love.

When winter gardens refuse me flowers, I am grateful I have you to see.

You care for me far better than I could for you. Stay well, love.

 I see the pure truth, in my expanding awareness, that our love is eternal.

Some soul mates never connect, scattered across the Earth. Thankfully, we’re both from Milwaukee

 I see photos of us together and stare in awe at my good fortune.

You are the unexpected treasure which was promised to me by the fortune cookie.

My love is not written on paper. It is, rather, etched in my heart.

Friday, February 15, 2019

A string of Brevette







Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Language Poem

My Heart’s Own Language 

The only things which come easily to me are
      things I do not desire,
except, maybe, tasty comfort food.
      Now there’s a legacy to love.
In matters of Spirit, words get in my way, 
     feelings being the language of my soul.
Be brave! No limits! Yes, you can!
     Yes, yes, when the time is right.
 For now, I”ll live within the Grace of a single day.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

2018 Anniversary

It’s truly quite amazing,
the trail which we’ve been blazing.
We deserve a round of praising
for the love we have been raising.

It’s been 48 full years,
all joy now, done with tears.
So, let’s give ourselves three cheers.
I think we’re without peers.

Like a smooth and robust wine,
or a true poetic line,
we’ve done better than just fine,
since we both uttered “be mine”.

Other couples might compare
to the life we’ve had to share.
Some might say it’s not that rare,
but we’re truly quite the pair.

Do we still have the will,
on hot days or in chill,
to keep climbing love’s high hill,
to maintain our lifelong thrill?

Of course we do, by any measure,
any thought or deed or gesture,
knowing if we search for pleasure,
love’s the greatest treasure.

So let’s not stew about a to-do list, 
nor fret about what we may have missed.
Rather, let’s count the times we’ve kissed,
declare ourselves fully blessed.

Why Write?

It can be breathtaking,
even alarming,
to listen to one’s echoes,
consult one’s memories.
It might even be surprising
to recall that which was forgotten,
admit that it was suppressed.
It can be staggering to say out loud,
those words based in reality,
ones rooted in blood and bone,
in heart and mind.
And so one writes, in order to discover
what one does not know how to say.
It is necessary to go to the center,
to the hot, steaming core,
to get face to face
with grief, sorrow, love,
to ask oneself,
what am I not willing to reveal?

When one is as
imperfect as I, it
takes a lot of
guts to try to
spread hope,
inspire faith,
promote love,
go for broke on
what matters to Spirit above.

Oh, there’s a lot I won’t do,
not anytime soon.
I won’t dance,
I’m an unsightly lump,
I won’t soar
in a hot air balloon,
not afraid to fall,

scared I might jump.

But I audaciously write of
great hopes, of grand schemes,
daring to be the artist
of my very own dreams.
Not really fearless,
not in any way,
I write to discover what
I don’t know how to say.


When one is 
as imperfect 
as I am,
it takes 
a lot of guts 
to try to
spread hope,
inspire faith,
promote love,
go for broke on
what matters to Spirit.

having borne guilt, 
pain, and
I have discovered that
I have no room for hate.

I have also discovered that 
I use the word “I” quite often.
Oh well,
I am not to old to dream.

An Imayo form poem

Pax Tecum

Each blessing must be earned - pray all ways for peace.
If one would have lifelong peace - hope requires action.
Some say there’s no right action - bright glow at life’s end.
Coda will come soon enough - I must mend the roof.