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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Why I Write

It’s probably unwise,
at least for me,
to live too much
amongst the trees
of the past,
especially mired in
swampy regret,
or pining for
a simpler time.
Still, there’s at least
as much pleasure
as sadness there,
in memories of happy places,
in reflections which can still
set my soul aquiver with
hope and purpose.
It need not be all
tear-jerking schmaltz,
limb-breaking angst,
riddled with wistful yearning.
There’s equal opportunity 
for minor mood elevation,
or for metaphysical meaning,
in the moments of
Been There Then
Be Here Now.
But, mostly I write to find out
what I’m thinking today, 
to take my temperature,
to check my mood,
always to tell the truth,
which does indeed set me free,
but not until 
it sometimes annoys me. 
And so it goes.

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