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Thursday, January 31, 2019

January’s Daily Zen’s

What new opportunities await my yes? What more do I have to offer?

Engaging out, reflecting in. Enjoying the new, appreciating the past.

Welcome newness. Create willingness.

A satisfying life should be chiefly about service. Comfort the afflicted.

I have enough for this life. I don’t need more.

Know who you are and step into your goodness

I have fruit trees and I have books. Who needs anything more?

Anger is useless.  I was once quite familiar with it.

When you are asked for help, the answer is already in you.

What you say to yourself makes all the difference. Prepare to be a welcoming person.

Not trying to do it all right now. Just trying to do this right now. 

When pain is so complete that all else vanishes, be still.

Today is so very special. New Beginnings always are.

I learned to live with pain. Would that help make America love again?

Don’t be so hard on yourself. You deserve to be forgiven.

I need a prayer break more than a coffee break sometimes 

Appreciate your lunacy, but still pray for guidance.

Everything is temporary. It’s helpful to let that be enough.

Be grateful to everyone.

Will you risk your dreams by taking actions to fulfill them?

Sometimes a mirror is better for my friends than anything I say or do.

Good can not come to us if it is not flowing out from

Should art be categorized? Or just made and enjoyed?

Give because you have an abundance, not for a return on investment 

If you can’t find anything to eat on the menu, maybe you’re not hungry.

I never did power walk. I do, however, power nap.

Today, I am doing small things, but consciously.

Out your doubt. Send it packing.

I’m always calm when I’ve done all that I can do.

Peace requires one to surrender the drama 

Sunday, January 20, 2019


When one is 
as imperfect 
as I am,
it takes 
a lot of guts 
to try to
spread hope,
inspire faith,
promote love,
go for broke on
what matters to Spirit.

having borne guilt, 
pain, and
I have discovered that
I have no room for hate.

I have also discovered that 
I use the word “I” quite often.
Oh well,

I am not to old to dream.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

What’s My Muse?

I write my seventeen’s,
unless I have no time.
Then I write long poems.


I’m nearly seventy-five
and he wants to know why.
What would our friend Walt do?
He’d write and write and write,
and then write some more,
and they’d all be great,
and they’d all be interesting,
and we’d all read them,
and we’d all have ink envy…again.

I tell lots of stories, so
that’s no problem, and
it’s too late now to worry about
too much exposure.
I have written about going through
a windshield…twice. 
Not the same windshield, but still.
I have spoken to
the day my mother died, 
and about when I met her 
on the night I died, nine years later,
the day she sent me back from near death.
I have ruminated on the choice to
move to a foreign country, 
and then we settled inCalifornia.
When homage was the goal, 
it was sourced in that writing group
in the SoCal desert.

Ultimately, there is only one choice.
I write because I have no choice.
I write for the pure expression of life,
the joys and fears and hopes,
surely about love.
I write, inspired by the writing of others,
by the natural world in my backyard,
by the speechless days at the ocean,
by the sun and the moon,
their rising and setting,
even moved by the sounds of fire trucks afar.
As age has flattened me,
as humility has claimed me,
I now write more about Spirit,
about oneness, about transition.
I don’t know what tomorrow will bring.
I’m simply sure I will write about it.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Why I Write

It’s probably unwise,
at least for me,
to live too much
amongst the trees
of the past,
especially mired in
swampy regret,
or pining for
a simpler time.
Still, there’s at least
as much pleasure
as sadness there,
in memories of happy places,
in reflections which can still
set my soul aquiver with
hope and purpose.
It need not be all
tear-jerking schmaltz,
limb-breaking angst,
riddled with wistful yearning.
There’s equal opportunity 
for minor mood elevation,
or for metaphysical meaning,
in the moments of
Been There Then
Be Here Now.
But, mostly I write to find out
what I’m thinking today, 
to take my temperature,
to check my mood,
always to tell the truth,
which does indeed set me free,
but not until 
it sometimes annoys me. 
And so it goes.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

December Daily Zen’s

Savor the moment and nourish the truth.

Life is a sandy beach, if you choose it to be. Build a castle.

We do not come to Grace. Grace just is. We all live in it.

Honest generosity and genuine kindness will make you happy. You’ll see.

It really doesn’t take all that much to be happy. Nor should it.

I am feeding my faith, starving my fears & laughing at any troubles 

I am looking for the good in everyone. It’s really easy to see.

Like hope, Love abides. Separateness is an illusion.

Home is where my books are.

Intellectual shift alone isn’t enough. What’s needed is a change in the heart 

I’m just doing my best, showing up, being present, opening my heart

Noting the truth is easy. Following it is a little bit harder.

My private, alone time is for everyone’s well-being

Humility is an integral part of greatness 

I enjoy sitting in the dark with strangers 

Where, in my pursuit of growth, can I be kinder?

Create happy events to remember. I’m here to help.

You are already perfect. Do you forget that sometimes?

Be grateful to everyone. Opt for civility.

Love is my favorite color.

Religion is taught. Spirituality is experienced.

You attract what’s in your heart. Honor those feelings and see.

To know love is to also know humility.

What’s worse, activity unfinished or activity never started?

Laugh at your rejections and supposed failures. They lie.

Honor the solstice. Bring light to the darkness.

Yes, dear.

There is a shortcut to happiness. Simply be grateful.

Declare freedom from fear and darkness. Life is always present.

Even if you think you are only a drop of water in an ocean, wage peace 

Open your heart. Your mind will follow.


Peace on earth, yes, but start with peace in your mind and heart.

Every breath, heartbeat and word that I speak or think is a prayer.

If you want love, be loving.
If you want to be interesting, be interested.
If you want peace, be peaceful.

Pray as if your life depends upon it. I choose healing 
and growth, leaving pain behind.

With intentional kindness and caring,

breathing in, I absorb your pain, exhaling I send you love.