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Monday, February 19, 2024

Letter to young friends


Past Perfect Letter

My dear Friends whom I adore,

those straight out of ‘44,

we’re on track to be

the Class of ‘62,

and already I can see

there’s no one quite like you.

What else can I say

except that I love you,

in every possible way.

When we look back

after both success and strife,

I hope we will realize

we each had the time of our life.

Regardless of where we lived

the times or the weather,

we can be grateful we did it,

had this grand life together.

You’re the best people in the world,

on this you can bet,

you’ll be in my heart forever,

impossible to forget.

Looking forward to many reunions,

my sisters and brothers,

where we’ll raise a toast 

for those not present,

recall our beginnings,

gently appreciate one another.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

A Haibun



Too young to know better, she

chose a life filled with a mix of

madness and gladness, not hers

so much as his, he too unknowing,

angry at times, sullen at others,

until that day of ultimatum, saying she’d 

leave if he’d be happier, but she knew he

would not become so, so she stayed with

him and with his occasional insanity,

fulfilling her caregiving destiny until he

found his own answers.

Raw spring erupting,

summer’s plantings unfolding,

autumn’s calm at last