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Monday, January 23, 2023

Child talk

 Childish Thoughts

So they told me, trying to be kind,
that my mother, who I’d just seen die,
was in a better place now,
not seeing the pain of a youngster’s mind.

I use that memory to this day,
speaking to children, always with truth,
often while kneeling, eye to eye,
knowing they’ll grasp what I have to say.

So when a neighbor’s kiddo, smart and tough,
asked me around the pool about my scars,
where’d I get them, did they hurt,
I thought the truth would be enough.

Mom was embarrassed, let it show,
but I waved her off, kept explaining,
until the kiddo saw my memories flowing,
said thanks, that’s more than I need to know.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

To sleep, perchance to dream


That dream again,

the one where

you’re away

Not here.

Out there.


First at an airport

I’ve never seen,

then in a house

we’ve never been.

A mysterious city 

one with a mall,

then a maze of buildings.

My phone won’t work. 

Oh, now, yes, the tone,

but your number?

I guess. 

And guess. 

And guess.

Wrong again,

and now my legs

stuck in quicksand,

my heart begging for

mercy from this chase,

but it’s endless,

you’re never found,

not one small trace.

You’d likely think,

after all these years of love,

that dream would end,

but it still appears.

Sunday, January 8, 2023




through nights, dark and deep,

there are many who fret,

unable to sleep,

and one aches for them, yet

for others it’s the reverse,

the struggle of night,

an opposite curse,

one hurtful, with fright.

It’s the nature, you see,

the battle for some,

those with PTSD,

whose morning can’t come

soon enough to be free

of the nightmares and pain,

the frustration dreams,

the panic again,

and as good as it seems,

waking still won’t avail,

because you know what they say,

it’s a life sentence, this PTSD jail,

during the night or the day.

Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 Word to live by

 2023 Intention 

I do not make resolutions 

in January anymore.

No point, I’d just ignore them,

quite quickly, that’s for sure.

Instead I pick a word,

to remind me what to see,

one word, commonly heard,

nudging how to act, who to be.

In 2017, it started with Gratitude,

which truly improved my attitude.

What followed was Generosity,

reducing my pomposity.

In 2019, it was Compassion,

quite helpful in its fashion.

One year on it was Empathy,

oh what wonders I did see.

As New Year’s Day draws near,

what will I choose this year?

Peace? Faith?

Grace? Repose?

I think no, not this year,

it will be none of those.