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Monday, March 19, 2018

Life With Dignity

Life in our homestead
works way better for me
than working for money.

Those times when I think
I know everything are when
I can learn nothing.


There’s much that I 
can not do now.
Barbara will
tell you that is true.


When I think of doing
community service,
first I think of home.


I avoid hateful news.
I do miss some things,
like snark to snark combat.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Getting Idesy

With my back, my legs, my age,
I’ve slowed down.
I have not, however, stopped.


When painful headlines arise,
I try to consider 
the Greater Good.


Words, words, words, words.
Talk, talk, talk.
Scowling, sighing.
More words.
More talk.


She held my hand,
simply, lightly, with trust.
I’ve since aimed 
to deserve it.


I read a lot but
I prefer listening to
a wiser person.


My dear friends:
I will love you forever.
But not a second longer.


I’ll care for myself
as the unique and special
person that I am.


Before I seek
magical solutions,
first I listen
to my heart.


I do what I need to, 
then what I could do, 
then the impossible.


I am choosing
ecstasy if 
I can find some. 


My poems are stories
which could be songs.
Now, wouldn’t that be 
just a hoot?


The disease is 
fear, anger, hate.
The prescription is 
a little faith.


New Thought movement 
challenges those 
with challenges.
God makes no mistakes.

Friday, March 2, 2018

One Direction

There is nothing I would change
about my life, even if I could,
because it all brought me to you.

There is nothing else I would build,
not from paper, stone or wood,
except that which created me and you.

There is nothing I could say,
even if I should,
that speaks louder than the me in you.