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Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine 2015

So much I can not do, but I can love you, this is true.

So much I fail to do, but I can love you, and I do.

I can’t bring world peace, but I am soothed when I am with you.

I won’t sing or dance, but my heart soars when I am with you.

I don't pray well with others, yet prayers are answered when I’m with you.

I am not always joyful, but ever so glad when I am with you.

I can’t hear well, but it’s conversations with angels when I am with you.

So much I can not do, but I can love you, this is true.

So much I fail to do, but I can love you, and I do.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Yes I can

So much I can not do,
but I can love you,
this is true.

So much I fail to do,
but I can love you,
and I do.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Only five days left
and the poem's not done.
Thank God she loves me.

Carol and Mike

Carol and Mike

50 years of love.
48 years of like.
Not really too shabby
a percentage.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Love

My love keeps her 

when my madnesswould not.

She is accustomed to me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

RJ's Natal Day

Love her poems,
Love more who Randi is,
Love most that it's her birthday.