There’s magic in a wedding,
Big Fat Greek, or otherwise.
There’s mystery as well,
to the old folks, no surprise.
There’s uncles and aunts,
cousins distant and close,
nieces, nephews and yia yia’s,
parents and brothers the most
important of all, midst the din and
the joy, a small touch of madness,
make no mistake, there’s
also great gladness.
There’s magic in a wedding,
most would say it’s from love,
some believe it more mystical,
a mother smiling from above.
There’s laughter and smiles,
the start of life anew,
so fresh, full of heart,
perfect hopes for the two
now made one in a way
only magic could bring.
For their future, to their promise,
we pray and we sing.
There’s magic in a wedding,
we’ve all played our part
so abracadabra and shazam,
here’s to Raina and Art.