Grab hold of all the love available
squeeze it, cherish it, hold it tight,
be greedy about it, go ahead, be a hog,
and then, go looking for some more.
When you’re all full up,
let a little –or a lot- slosh over,
let it spill on your family, your friends,
and then, let some fall on strangers.
Get a grip on all the kindness nearby,
savor it, milk it, taste every morsel,
be ravenous about it, go on, lap it up,
and then, go looking for some more.
When you’re satisfied,
let a little – or a lot – be passed on,
let it go to people near and dear,
and then, let some go to strangers.
Go out - or in - and find some happiness,
wallow in it, feel it, be warmed by its glow,
crave it, cling to it, exult in your joy,
and then, go looking for some more.
When you’re contented,
let a little – or a lot - be shared,
let it be felt by the ones who mean the most,
and then, let some go to strangers.