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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Heart of th3 Matter


When I allow my heart

to be touched by gratitude,

followed by generosity,

it’s the most selfish I can be,

as it improves my mood,

being a force for good.

When I give away

some of what I have today,

I find it calming,

soulfully balming,

knowing when enough is enough,

growing by not buying any more stuff.

When I turn to what others need,

it’s my own heart I feed,

realizing at the very start

it’s best to simply show up,

be present, open my heart.

If others have nothing for me,

no problem, no fret, can’t you see,

I have enough for all of us,

they, them, you, us, we.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Tell Everyone


It was natural and easy

to tell him how I felt

after he had lain ill before,

after my own infirmity 

made us partners again. 

It’ll be harder now,

but not impossible.

Still, it’s been but a short while 

and I am already losing that smile,

the truth of his gaze,

the wonder of his face.

So I will write of him when I can,

tell others about a good man,

in this way perhaps I’ll let

myself never forget.

Oingo Boingo


When I am in a rush,

it’s a good idea to slow down, 

maybe even stop.

Right pacing can change my life,

give me me a moment

to look within, to know.

Just a moment?

What the heck,

let’s take the whole day off,

mix in peaceful thoughts,

words, feelings, actions,

perfect for a needy world.

Everyday Living


When you see me cry,

it does not necessarily mean

I need help. 

Sometimes, pure beauty

has that result in me,

like the glory of the young

who do not think

they should stop trying

to improve the world.

For me, nearing another decade,

whatever future

I am trying to shape

shapes me in return,

sometimes tearfully.

I will continue to seek magic,

look for legerdemain,

change what saddens me

by changing my mind,

believing the solutions we need

lie only in those realms.

But I will look also

to my heart,

posit my soul’s purpose,

light another candle,

pen just one more plea.



There is this book which has been

following me around for weeks now.

Actually, not following so much as

accompanying, fitting nicely in

my hand, or atop my desk,

in the room I sometimes share with a cat.

The book is important.

That’s why I bought it. 

It is about hope, 

and also about the mind, 

about laughing at, 

but not making an enemy 

of the latter.

I say that’s what it is about,

but I don’t know for sure,

only what the dust jacket blurb says.

I can’t seem to get by the introduction,

not in my room, nor outside,

heck, not even at the library,

even though it’s open again.

My core seems obdurate in

its resistance to change, or growth.

I will say that, pages unread,

that book seems still to be

having an impact. 

I think about hope all the time.

A good thing, since

I have forever friends who 

will not see year’s end.

In the greater scheme of things,

I’m a mighty small fish in 

a very big pond, or, at most,

like one of those salmon,

returning to their place of creation,

encountering resistance at every turn. 

I hope this hope thing is not overrated. 

The book is heavy,

the thoughts too, 


Happy Endings


When I want to have

a happy ending, I don’t 

stop until it’s mine.

Writing each morning,

the narration of my life.

No one else’s, mine.

I’m mostly at peace 

with my past. Present moment,

wonderful moment. 

It is helpful to 

regularly regard my true

spiritual self.

It is possible 

to become even younger 

at a ripe old age.

Even in elderness, 

I might be more be-coming.

I really like this.

The wonders of life

always are available,

ever around me.

Space is limitless.

So too are my hopes and dreams,

even at this age.

Not concerned as much

with my lifespan, more in tune

now with my healthspan.

Between who I’ve been

and who I’m still becoming,

there’s still work to do.

My needs:

Something to do.

Someone to love.

Something to look forward to.

At the Least


A thankful heart

gives birth

to at least

a thousand

beneficial joys.

I accept

that every experience

is one which

I must need.

I don't fear

negative thoughts.

I also don't

ask them in

for coffee.