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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

An acronym piece



Max, the 19-year old cat,

has his spots and I have mine,

the places we look out outside,

suiting each of us just fine.

He doesn’t share his targets,

I’m sure they’re living, though.

I write about mine, the ones seen

through the patio window.

Sometimes he chirps a bit,

when he spies something notable,

but since I still don’t speak Cat,

none of it’s quotable.

It’s a fair trade off,

since he doesn’t read,

and I truly don’t care,

I just write what I need.

When he’s done, he drops his head,

curls up on his mat,

while I finish my little rhymes,

send them off in nothing flat.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Birthday card insert


In air, through water, 

and, of course, on land,

life’s joy is ever yours,

to take in, to command.

May you live with happiness,

never fears nor tears,

appreciative of your achievements

through many more years.

May your success continue

for a million more days,

as it’s certainly your due

in so many ways.

May they be the ideal,

it’s definitely within your might,

keep on keeping it real,

continue shining your light.

May you have 100 years,

filled with smiles, never tears.

With warmest regards,

we are pleased to pray

for a life filled with joy

on your grand natal day.

Christmas Traditions


When I was very young,

from the time I was four or five,

we had few things, but one

of them was a blue mirror, and

my mother would put it on the four

by five cedar chest we used as a

table, and at Christmas time, we'd

put snow and little people on it to

make a festive scene.

Through the years,

a lot of stuff has disappeared, like

lamps and photos and baseball cards, and

people, too. I've lost dogs and cats, some

car keys, the home I grew up in, even

my mother, who died suddenly one

September, and we didn't have Christmas

after that for a long time, what with

sadness, and later, war, for me.

I never lost that blue mirror, though.

Then I met her, and I had very little

stuff, but I had her, and that was enough

for me. Her family was big on Christmas,

and, after we returned from our December

honeymoon, her baby sister put the

ornaments on their tree, the ones made with

a glitter and a glue stick, the ones with

everybody's names on them, and we were

the last ones to go up, smack dab in the

center front, to much oohing, ahing and smiling.

My dad was there, our first Christmas in

forever. It was cold, really cold, but

our hearts melted.

After we moved to a town with lots of folks,

one where we could have visitors, we

started to decorate excessively. Too much

was still not enough, with wreaths and

themed trees and garland and such. she

said we should bring out the blue mirror and

make a scene, so we went looking for

fake snow and little trees and people

Then Department 56 happened,

and a train set happened,

and more Department 56 happened,

and I built display tables and drilled holes

and did dangerous, overloaded wiring

and it was big and grand and good,

and all of our friends loved it,

and more Department 56 happened,

and a storage locker to hold it all happened.

I'm 80 now,

those boxes and tables got heavier,

that wiring got more painful to connect,.

we've lost a few more people,

there's this talk about voluntary simplicity.

So we gave much of it all

to younger families,

near and far.

Still have that blue mirror, though.

I think soon we'll start a new tradition,

borrow from the past, bring out the older,

thrift shop the newer.

Saturday, December 21, 2024


 Loving you is not too complicated, 

not unexpected nor


It’s simply beautiful,

like a poet’s song,

as it was always with you

that I belong. 

Not just a legal or religious match, we’re a pair

with magnificent style,

creating life on earth 

as our heaven, as it’s been

for this long while. 

So I say to my body,

keep on going if you will, 

use my fingers for these love songs, which my heart 

might truly fill. 

Our story continues in its

own way to mount, so many moments, no need to count. 

True, the fleeting moments 

now number 54, 

but they’ll be revered for today 

and forever more. 


Monday, December 9, 2024

Holiday greeting card insert 2024



I know a lot of

fancy words,

the ones which rise

from a few places 

inside me,

from my mind, of

course, but also my 

heart, filled with the

complications of how 

grand I 

feel about our distant 

friendship, and the

memories, yes, those too.

In this season, as in 

all seasons, I remain 

steadfast in my 

gratitude, my joy that 

you exist, that this

thing called you and I,

lives on. Thank you,


Sunday, December 8, 2024

December, 2024


Arranging this month

with peace of mind being my

greatest goal and gift.

I woke up today,

remembered how nice it is

to just share myself.

Just doing my best

to show up, being present, 

opening my heart.

I’m feeding my faith,

starving my fears and worries,

enjoying my life.

Took time to be still,

a cat, a nap, then woke up

to life’s mysteries.

My mind is open,

and my heart is receptive,

my spirit giving.

Planning to enter

the forthcoming new year cleansed,

free of old burdens.

I will trust myself 

to know what to let go of,

what doesn’t serve me.

Sometimes it is best

to just be. Be happiness,

be joy, be grateful.